
Welcome to Montezemolo, a gem of a town in the Piedmont mountains

Montezemolo is a small Italian municipality located in the Piedmont mountains of the province of Cuneo. The village has only 228 inhabitants and is also known as "Monzemo" in the Piedmontese dialect.

Montezemolo's geography

The commune is situated at the intersection of three Tanaro River tributaries: Cevetta, Belbo, and Bormida, in the northwestern region of Italy. Its capital is located at 750 meters above sea level, making it one of the highest areas in the province of Cuneo. Although Montezemolo's territory is mainly mountainous, a portion of the municipality extends into the Belbo Springs Nature Reserve.

Montezemolo: a precious little village in the Piedmontese mountains.

Montezemolo's society

Montezemolo is a commune with rural roots, where livestock breeding and agriculture are the main economic activities. Despite the decrease in population, the village maintains a strong sense of community, with the presence of numerous local associations that organize cultural and social events.

The administration of the commune

Montezemolo was part of the Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese mountain community, an organization of local entities that aimed to promote economic and social development in the mountain valleys of the province of Cuneo. However, with Regional Law No.11 of September 28, 2012, this organization was suppressed along with other mountain communities in Piedmont.

Montezemolo's economy

Livestock breeding and agriculture are the most important economic activities in the commune. In particular, the potato of the upper Belbo valley is one of Montezemolo's typical products and is cultivated with traditional methods and a short supply chain that guarantees its quality.


Montezemolo is a village that boasts an uncontaminated natural environment and a strong sense of community. Despite the difficulties related to its geographic isolation and the decrease in population, the commune manages to keep its traditions alive and promote local culture. If you have the opportunity to visit, do not hesitate to do so and enjoy the beauty of the landscapes and the delicacies of the territory!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022