
Monteverde: a Campanian village to discover

Located in the Campanian Apennines, Monteverde is a small municipality that is part of the circuit of the most beautiful villages in Italy. With only 710 inhabitants, Monteverde is a hidden gem in the province of Avellino, where nature and history blend harmoniously.

Physical geography

Monteverde is located on a hill between the Osento stream and the Ofanto river, a strategic position that has determined its importance since ancient times. The presence of the extremely rare Ciconia nigra, which nests in the municipal territory during the spring period, testifies to the importance of the biodiversity of the area.

Monteverde: discover the Campanian village between nature and history.

San Pietro artificial lake

A few kilometers from the town center, the artificial lake of San Pietro is located. Built between the 1950s and 1960s by damming the Osento stream with a large dam, the lake is a precious natural resource that guarantees the presence of many animal and plant species. The dense hygrophilous vegetation of secondary type and the surrounding oak trees make Lake San Pietro an ideal destination for those who love nature and outdoor activities.

Mezzana Forest

The Mezzana Forest, which covers 456 hectares along the ridges of the hills on which Monteverde stands, represents one of the few uncontaminated sites in Irpinia. Here, there are no human activities with a strong impact, which guarantees the presence of a very diverse ecosystem rich in animal and plant species. Birdwatching enthusiasts will find an ideal place for their activities in this forest.


From ancient times to the Middle Ages

The origin of Monteverde is uncertain, but from the 11th century, it became the seat of a diocese and hosted its bishop until 1531, when the diocese was unified with that of Canne. In the period from 1532 to 1641, Monteverde constituted the Lordship of the Grimaldi, Princes of Monaco, Marquises of Campagna, while in the quinquennium 1743-46, it was subject to the jurisdiction of the royal consulate of commerce of Ariano Irpino.

Monuments and places of interest


The castle of Monteverde dominates the valley of the Ofanto and Osento rivers and is one of the most important monuments in the country. Built by the Lombards, it was expanded during the Middle Ages with the construction of four corner towers, two cylindrical and two square. The Grimaldi family of Monaco was one of the noble houses that lived in the castle, which still preserves its original trapezoidal shape.

Civil architectures

Monteverde preserves numerous examples of civil architectures of great historical and artistic value. Among these, the Church of San Lorenzo, which houses numerous works of art including a wooden crucifix from the 17th century, the Ducal Palace of Guglielmo Grimaldi, and the Abbot's Palace, a 17th-century building with a Baroque façade, are worth a visit.

Monteverde is a small village that encloses a heritage of great historical, landscape, and artistic value. Discovering it calmly and without haste, letting oneself be guided by the beauty of the territory and its millenary history, is an extraordinary experience that will not disappoint the expectations of those who want to discover the charm of the most beautiful Italian villages.

Francesco Serra
Updated Saturday, Jan 14, 2023