
Montevarchi: The Municipality of Upper Valdarno

Montevarchi is a beautiful Italian municipality located in the charming Tuscany region, precisely in the province of Arezzo, with a population of approximately 24,116 inhabitants. This small town is located in Upper Valdarno, on the left bank of the Arno River. The territory includes the valley floor, where the town center is located, and a part of the hills between the Arno River and the Sienese Chianti. Montevarchi has a seismic classification of zone 3, which corresponds to a low seismicity, and a climate classification of zone D of 1953 GR/G.

Territory and Climate

Atmospheric diffusivity is high, with Ibimet CNR 2002. According to the thirty-year reference average (1961-1990), the average temperature in January is +4.5°C, while that of the warmest month, July, is +23.9°C. The climate is very pleasant, with an annual average of 14.7°C. Montevarchi is located at the foot of the Chianti hills and offers wonderful surrounding landscapes, making it an ideal place to spend your holidays.

Montevarchi: history and beauty of the upper Valdarno.


Montevarchi is a city with ancient origins. The discoveries of the Ginestra complex demonstrate that the area was already inhabited before the year 1000. Further discoveries made on the Cappuccini hill instead indicate the Romans as the first settlements of the place. Until the year 1000, the Valdarno plain was almost deserted, the territory was wooded, and the Arno River produced frequent floods. Florence, Arezzo, and Siena contested the territory, letting their troops unleash on this defenseless land.

Only in the castles located on highlands could life flow relatively more peacefully under the protection of local lords. In the 11th century, two castles were found on nearby hills. The 'Hospital of Saint Michael the Archangel' for the assistance of pilgrims and travelers passing through the Holy Places was located on the Ginestra hill. On the other hill, now called the 'Cappuccini,' stood the "castellare" or 'Castrum Montisguarchi' or 'Monteguarco,' which later took the name of Montevarchi.

The first documents that mention the Monteguarco Castle, where the Marquis Bourbon of Monte Santa Maria were owners in the 11th century. From the documents, it appears that Countess Sophia sold it in 1079 to the Aretine Church of the fourth part of Puliciano's Court and Castle. Another document from 1098 mentions the Castrum 'Montis Varchis'.

In short, Montevarchi is a place with ancient roots that has seen several historical phases. Today, Montevarchi is a very livable and touristy city, thanks to the numerous points of interest that recall its history. With a few steps from the charming Tuscan hills, Montevarchi represents one of the jewels of Upper Valdarno.

Federico Conte
Updated Friday, Oct 7, 2022