
Tufara Valle: a hamlet between the provinces of Benevento and Avellino

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Tufara Valle, an Italian hamlet located between the provinces of Benevento and Avellino. With about 1100 inhabitants, this locality was an independent municipality until 1913, when it was divided among the municipalities of Apollosa, Ceppaloni, Montesarchio, Roccabascerana, and San Martino Valle Caudina.


Tufara Valle develops along the Strada Statale 7 Via Appia and is located at the eastern end of the Caudine Valley. It borders the other hamlets of Poeti, Ripabianca, Tedeschi, Tressanti, and Zolli. All these localities are easily reachable thanks to the presence of the Via Appia.

Tufara Valle: between Benevento and Avellino, history and beauty.


The name Tufara derives from the territory rich in tuff (a type of volcanic rock). In the past, this area was called Tofara and was a transit place for the Caudine tribes and the other tribes of Sannio. Later on, with the construction of the Via Appia, Tofara became an important commercial center.

Throughout the centuries, Tufara Valle was the scene of numerous clashes, especially between the Angevin and Aragonese houses. Moreover, this territory was the site of important battles fought mainly in the Montesarchio plain, Tufara, Apollosa, and in the Barba or Valva strait, near the Sabato river under the walls of Ceppaloni.

The administrative fragmentation of Tufara Valle

In the 1960s, Tufara Valle earned the nickname "Berlin of the South" due to its administrative fragmentation. This nickname was reinforced in the 90s thanks to the presence of a series of discos and clubs, including the legendary "Kronos". In recent years, several proposals have been put forward for a possible administrative reshuffle, but to date, a unanimous agreement has not yet been reached.

Infrastructure and transport


The presence of the Strada Statale 7 Via Appia is the main means of connection between Tufara Valle and the other neighboring localities. Moreover, this road is the first one encountered when leaving the Caudine Valley towards Benevento through the Sferracavallo pass.

The church of Tufara Valle

In the hamlet of Tufara Valle, there are two churches: the church of "Maria Santissima del Carmine" in the territory of Roccabascerana, and the church of "Nostra Signora di Pompei" in that of San Martino Valle Caudina. Both churches are a destination for numerous pilgrimages and tourist visits.


In conclusion, Tufara Valle is a hamlet with a very interesting history, located in a strategic position between the provinces of Benevento and Avellino. Despite its administrative fragmentation and attempts at reorganization, this locality manages to keep its traditions and natural beauty intact. We hope to have made you curious and eager to visit this splendid Campanian hamlet.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Monday, May 16, 2022