
Welcome to Montesarchio!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a city that I recently had the pleasure of visiting: Montesarchio. Located in the beautiful region of Campania, Montesarchio is a municipality of about 13,000 inhabitants in the province of Benevento. It is the second most populous city in the province after the capital and was granted city status in 1997.

Physical geography

Montesarchio is located about 18 km southwest of Benevento, in the Caudine Valley. The city is dominated by Mount Taburno and the hill called "Torre", where the monument that gives the name to the hill itself is located. The hill also houses a castle and two parts of the old town. The city has recently expanded into the vast plain at the foot of the hill, where there is a lake called "Moccia". In addition, the city territory also includes the Tesa stream and the communication road that leads to Mount Taburno and the surrounding villages.

Montesarchio: history, monuments, and traditions of Campania.

Name origins

The name Montesarchio would derive from the agglomeration founded by the Samnites and called Caudium. The name of the city would be linked to the nearby Caudine Valley.


Montesarchio has been inhabited since the Neolithic period and has been identified as the Samnite city of Caudium, capital of Samnium caudinum and urban center famous for the trade of Greek-Magnogreci manufactured products. The city is mainly known for the battle of the Caudine Forks in which the Romans were defeated by the Samnites. During the Roman era, Montesarchio was part of the famous Appian Way and hosted numerous archaeological evidences such as the Roman baths, the Roman aqueduct and the ancient emergencies of the "Masseria Foglia" locality.

Under the domination of the Lombards, the urban agglomeration called "Latovetere" was born, while during the Norman conquest of southern Italy, the "Latonuovo" quarter was born. Later, Montesarchio passed under the feudal possession of the della Leonessa, Carafa and D'Avalos until the end of feudalism in 1806.

What to see in Montesarchio

Montesarchio is a city rich in history and interesting places to visit. One of the most important monuments is the Tower of Montesarchio, which dominates the hill and the historic center. The city also houses the Castle of Montesarchio, an example of medieval architecture, and numerous churches including the church of Santa Maria Maggiore and the church of San Giovanni. The city is also famous for its wine production, especially the "Taburno", and for typical Campania cuisine, with dishes such as fried pizza and "pasticciotti".


In summary, Montesarchio is a charming city, a place rich in history and charm, where it is possible to experience an authentic Campania experience. I recommend you to visit this splendid city to discover its beauties and traditions. I wish you a good trip to discover Montesarchio!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Monday, May 16, 2022