
Monterenzio: between nature and history

Hello! Today I want to talk to you about Monterenzio, a municipality in the metropolitan city of Bologna, located in the Bolognese Apennines. With its 6,107 inhabitants and its natural and historical beauties, this municipality is truly an interesting place to visit.

Physical geography

Monterenzio extends along the high valley of the Idice River, which also borders the neighboring Sillaro Valley. To the west are the mountains of Monte Bibele and Monte delle Formiche, which offer breathtaking views and trails for trekking enthusiasts.

Monterenzio: treasures of history and nature


The first document attesting to the existence of a settlement in Monterenzio dates back to 998, but there are historical testimonies that speak of a medieval castle. The municipality's coat of arms consists of a typical Angevin head of the area.

Monuments and places of interest

Monterenzio boasts numerous churches that are worth a visit. Among the most important are the Church of Christ the King, the Church of St. Alessandro di Bisano, and the Church of St. Benedict of Querceto. There are also the Church of Santa Maria del Suffragio in Pizzano, the Church of Santa Maria and San Giuseppe in Cassano, the Church of Saints Clement and Cassiano in Rignano, and the Church of Saints Michael the Archangel and Christopher in Sassuno.


The population of Monterenzio is constantly growing, with a demographic evolution that must be taken into account. There are also numerous cultural and sports associations that animate the social life of the municipality.


The Archaeological-Naturalistic Area of Monte Bibele is one of the main attractions of the area. Here you can visit the archaeological site of Pianella di Monte Savino and the Necropolis of Monte Tamburino, dating back to the Etruscan and Celtic era. The "Luigi Fantini" Archaeological Museum in Monterenzio preserves and illustrates the artifacts found in the territory.

Anthropogenic geography

The municipality is made up of numerous hamlets and localities, including Monterenzio (the capital), Bisano, Cà di Bazzone, Cassano, Castelnuovo, Farneto, Pizzano, Rignano, San Benedetto del Querceto, San Clemente, Sassuno, Savazza, Vignale, Villa Sassonero, Cà del Vento, Villa di Cassano, Cà Merla, Cà Corradini, and Fiumetto. The capital is the seat of the municipal administration, an Etruscan-Celtic museum, the municipal swimming pool, and the main municipal services. Bisano is instead a hamlet upstream of Savazza, characterized by the presence of a church from 1911 built on the ruins of a medieval castle.

Savazza, finally, is a locality that develops along the Idice River and is also known as Villa di Cassano. Here you can admire the remains of a copper mine active in the nineteenth century and numerous sulfur springs.


In short, Monterenzio is a municipality rich in history and natural beauty, which is worth visiting to discover its numerous cultural and artistic attractions. If you are a nature and history lover, you cannot miss a visit to this fascinating municipality in Emilia-Romagna.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Friday, Oct 28, 2022