
Welcome to Sant'Albino: a town rich in history and monuments

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about Sant'Albino, a small and charming fraction of the municipality of Montepulciano, in the province of Siena, in Tuscany. Located only 5 km from the capital, Sant'Albino is situated at an altitude of 480 meters above sea level and is crossed by the Parce stream. But let's discover more about the history and monuments that characterize this beautiful locality.

The history of Sant'Albino

Sant'Albino was formerly known as "Sant'Albino in Parcia" because of the Parce river that runs through it. In past centuries, the town was ruled by the counts of Valiano and then by the noble Contucci family of Montepulciano. Sant'Albino is also known for its "stinking water," a source of sulfur water that has attracted the attention of illustrious scientists such as Leonardo Di Capua and Antonio Targioni Tozzetti. In addition, an ancient Etruscan hypogeum temple with votive statues was discovered here.

Sant'Albino: between history, monuments and nature in Tuscany.

Monuments and places of interest

There is much to see in Sant'Albino, starting with the beautiful Church of Sant'Albino, built in the 14th century and later modified. The gabled facade is made of local stone, with an arched portal and a circular rose window. The interior is Baroque in style, with a single nave and side altars that house anonymous author paintings, including the "Madonna del Rosario" and the "Madonna and Child among the saints Albino and Lorenzo". Also not to be missed is the Hermitage of Magdalene, the oldest convent of the Capuchin friars, founded in 1532 by the blessed Francesco Cervini. The church has a single nave with a wooden altar and a painting depicting the "Madonna and Child with Saints". Finally, the Villa Contucci, dating back to the 18th century, with a large Italian-style garden and a noble chapel inside, rich in works of art.

What to do in Sant'Albino

Immersed in nature, you can take walks and trips in the surrounding area, perhaps enjoying the view of the mount of Magdalene. You can also take a break for relaxation at the Terme di Chianciano, reachable in a few minutes by car. There are also opportunities for tasting typical products of the area, such as the famous wines of Montepulciano.


In summary, Sant'Albino is a town rich in history and beauty, immersed in nature and a few steps from the hot springs. The church, the hermitage, and the villa are just some of the places to visit in this area, which will give you extraordinary emotions and moments of pure relaxation. Come visit us!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Monday, Aug 15, 2022