
A friendly introduction to Abbadia, the hamlet of Montepulciano in Tuscany

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about Abbadia, a small hamlet of Montepulciano in Tuscany, which is located about 10km from the main town.

The history of Abbadia

Abbadia is not just a picturesque medieval village, but it also has a very interesting history. Originally, the village was a court of the ancient castle of Abbadia Argnano, also known as Badia de' Caggiolari or Badia in Crepaldo. Badia in Crepaldo was named for the presence of the abbey of San Pietro of the diocese of Chiusi, mentioned in a document of May 6, 1551, drafted in Rome by Giovanni da Recanati of Arezzo.

Abbadia is located along the ancient Via Lauretana (Tuscany) and has been often mentioned in the history of the surrounding area. In the popular memory of some inhabitants, the toponym "old road" (now via Morandi) still exists, indicating a short stretch of road that branched off from the Lauretana at the height of the village of Santa Maria.

Abbadia, the hamlet of Montepulciano: history, monuments and beauties of Tuscany.

Monuments and places of interest in Abbadia

In Abbadia, you can admire the Bastogi family farm, an ancient grand ducal villa of Tuscany. This villa is of great historical importance, having been built by the Jewish family of Bastogi during the reign of Vittorio Emanuele II. The villa represents an example of grand ducal architecture typical of Tuscany and is certainly worth a visit.

In the center of the village, along via della Resistenza, stands the parish church of San Pietro. The church was built between the 15th and 16th centuries and underwent several modifications in the following centuries. Inside, there are some very interesting works of art, including a large altarpiece from the 18th century and a wooden crucifix from the 16th century.


The village of Abbadia takes us on a journey into the past and allows us to discover the history of the surrounding region. Its location on the Via Lauretana shows us the importance it has had in the past centuries, and its monuments and places of interest are valuable witnesses of its history. If you have the opportunity to visit Abbadia, you will definitely not regret it!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Monday, Aug 15, 2022