
The Giostra della Quintana in Ascoli Piceno: an unmissable historical event

If you are a fan of historical events, you must attend the Giostra della Quintana in Ascoli Piceno. It is a medieval reenactment that takes place twice a year, in July and August, and involves all six Sestieri of the city. In this summary, I will talk about the historical importance of the event and how it has become such a special occasion for the people of Ascoli Piceno.

The history of the Quintana in Ascoli Piceno

The origin of the Quintana in Ascoli Piceno seems to date back to the 9th century when the Saracens invaded the territory of the Piceni. This explains the presence of the bust to hit, placed on the playing field, which represents the Moor, an enemy of the faith. Some sources propose a Roman origin of the game, linked to the course of Via Quintana, on which the Legionnaires trained to hit a pole about 6 feet high. However, the Ascolan Statutes drafted in 1377, printed in 1496, provide us with a detailed description of what happened during the event, already consolidated at the time.

The Quintana Joust in Ascoli Piceno: history and tradition in an unmissable event.

The Quintana event in Ascoli Piceno

The Quintana in Ascoli Piceno consists of various events starting from June. In chronological order, they are: "sestieri all'erta", the "Giuramento dei Consoli", the "Lettura del Bando", the "Palio degli Sbandieratori e Musici", the "Saluto alla Madonna della Pace", the "Giostra" in July, the "Palio degli Arcieri", the "Offerta dei Ceri" and finally the "Giostra" in August. The July edition is dedicated to the Madonna of Peace and takes place during the evening of the second Saturday, while the other is held in the afternoon of the first Sunday in August, on the occasion of the feast of Sant'Emidio.

The importance of the Quintana for Ascoli Piceno

For the city of Ascoli Piceno, the Quintana represents the expression and synthesis of tradition, history, and the indissoluble bond with the territory. The event attracts great interest and participation from the people of Ascoli Piceno, who prepare for the occasion throughout the year. Thanks to the Quintana, Ascoli Piceno manages to keep its traditions alive and pass them on to future generations.


The Giostra della Quintana in Ascoli Piceno is an unmissable event for those who love history and tradition. It is a highly anticipated and meaningful event for all Ascolans, representing the synthesis of the history and culture of the territory. If you want to participate in the Giostra della Quintana, keep an eye on the event calendar starting from June and get ready to experience a unique and engaging experience.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022