
Welcome to Monteparano!

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about Monteparano, a town in the province of Taranto in Puglia, located in Salento.

The geography of Monteparano

The town of Monteparano is located at a slight altitude, about 130m above sea level and is situated 13km from Taranto. It is part of the Sant'Elia or Monte Doro mountain (or ridge), one of the hills of the Tarantine Murge, about 10km from the coast. You can imagine how scenic it is to admire the surrounding landscape, dominated by the green of the countryside and the blue of the sea.

If you are interested in architecture, you can't miss the D'Ayala Valva Castle, located near the main square of the town, Piazza Castello. Furthermore, in the peripheral and rural areas, there are still typical dry stone walls, omnipresent in the Salento sub-region.

For those fascinated by religious art, the Parish Church of Annunciation is definitely a must-see.

Monteparano: between nature, history and culture in Salento's Puglia.

The society of Monteparano

Monteparano has about 2305 inhabitants and the demographic evolution shows that the numbers are constantly increasing.

The economy of Monteparano

Although agriculture was once the main resource of the town, it still remains an essential element in the economy of Monteparano. The prevalent cultivation is that of wine grapes, from which the famous Primitivo wine is produced. The predominant tourism is that of summer, linked to the coastal activities of the Ionian coast.

The infrastructure of Monteparano

For those who want to reach Monteparano, the main connections are represented by the A14 Bologna-Taranto motorway (Massafra barrier) from and to northern Italy, the SS7 ter and the Via Appia from and to Brindisi.

The administration of Monteparano

Below is a table showing the administrations that have succeeded in the town of Monteparano.


In general, Monteparano is a very interesting town to visit, rich in history, art, different cultures, and beautiful natural landscapes that are worth discovering. Thank you for reading and we hope to have made you want to visit this splendid Puglian locality. See you next time!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Wednesday, Oct 5, 2022