
Welcome to Montenars: a town immersed in nature

Montenars is a small town in Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, with only 491 inhabitants. The village is situated in a valley basin formed by the Orvenco stream, a branch of the Ledra River and surrounded by the massive mountains of Monte Cuarnan, Monte Faeit, and Cjampeón. The town is immersed in nature and offers the opportunity to encounter wildlife, such as deer, foxes, and occasionally even bears.

The history of Montenars

Montenars was heavily affected by the earthquake of 1976, which caused 35 fatalities and enormous damage to the heritage. Today, many of the structures have been rebuilt and restored. The coat of arms and the banner of the municipality of Montenars were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on 21 September 2004. The banner is a white cloth with a blue border.

Montenars: a mountain municipality surrounded by nature.

Demographics and language

The inhabitants of Montenars are distributed in 251 family units, with an average of 2.14 members per family unit. Alongside Italian, the population also uses Friulian, and the municipality is protected under the Slovenian language law. According to resolution no. 2680 of 3 August 2001 of the Board of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, the municipality is on the list of Italian municipalities where Friulian is spoken, for the purposes of the application of Law 482/99, Regional Law 15/96, and Regional Law 29/2007.

Anthropogenic geography

The territory of Montenars is divided into three fractions, in order: San Giorgio, Sant'Elena, and Santa Maria Maddalena, each of which includes numerous hamlets. The municipal headquarters are in Borgo Isola in Sant'Elena.

Economy in Montenars

Montenars has 5 service activities with 9 employees, totaling to 15.25% of the employed workforce. Additionally, there are 13 other service activities with 37 employees, accounting for 62.71% of the employed workforce, and 3 administrative activities with 13 employees, accounting for 22.03% of the employed workforce. In total, 59 individuals are employed, representing 11.01% of the total population of the municipality.

Administration and twinning

Montenars does not have any twinning agreements. The municipality is part of the mountain community of Gemonese, Canal del Ferro, and Val Canale.


Montenars is an ideal municipality for those seeking tranquility and peace in the mountains. Nature offers the opportunity to discover incomparable beauty and encounter wildlife. Moreover, the numerous hamlets in the village are worth visiting, and the present service activities offer visitors everything they need. Thanks to its history, Montenars is a unique and unmissable municipality for anyone traveling to discover local history and traditions.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Sunday, Jul 3, 2022