
Welcome to Montemignaio: a journey through the history and places of interest in this Tuscan municipality

Welcome to Montemignaio, a municipality in the province of Arezzo in Tuscany, with a population of 526. In this article, we will introduce you to the history, monuments, and places of interest in this small Italian village.


The municipality of Montemignaio was the scene of an important historical event during the Italian Risorgimento. In fact, during the plebiscite for the annexation of Tuscany to the Kingdom of Sardinia, the majority of voters expressed themselves against annexation, demonstrating a strong attachment to the region's independence.

Montemignaio: history, monuments and places of interest in Tuscany.

Monuments and places of interest

Montemignaio is a municipality rich in monuments and places of interest. Among these, the Castel Leone stands out for its grandeur. This building dates back to the 9th century and, despite the passing centuries, is still an architectural wonder that perfectly represents medieval styles.

The church of Sant'Agata is another jewel of Montemignaio. This church dates back to the 16th century and represents one of the main religious symbols of the area. The Oratory of the Madonna delle Calle is also worth a visit, as it is a fascinating building dating back to the early 17th century. Finally, the Pieve di Santa Maria Assunta, a church dating back to the 11th century and considered one of the major examples of Romanesque architecture in Tuscany, cannot be left unmentioned.


Demographic evolution

The population of Montemignaio has constantly decreased over the past decades. In 1951, for example, there were 1,363 inhabitants, while in 2019 there are only 526.

Ethnicity and foreign minorities

There are also some foreign minorities in Montemignaio, with 51 people of Romanian nationality accounting for the majority. However, this municipality has a lower presence of foreign minorities compared to other areas of Tuscany.


Montemignaio has always had an administration that has tried to manage the territory's resources and promote economic development. To date, the municipality enjoys high air diffusivity, as demonstrated by a 2002 study by the National Research Centre.


Montemignaio is not twinned with any other municipality. However, this has not prevented its population from maintaining a strong sense of community and working on the territory.


In conclusion, Montemignaio is a Tuscan municipality that deserves to be visited to discover its history, monuments, and places of interest. This rural village offers suggestive views of the Val di Sieve and the Apennine Mountain Range and represents an excellent destination for nature lovers and those who enjoy life in the open air. If you want to experience authentic Italy and get to know real Italian life outside of tourist cities, Montemignaio will be the perfect choice for you.

Federico Conte
Updated Friday, Feb 4, 2022