
Montemarano: the municipality in the province of Avellino

Montemarano is an Italian municipality located in the province of Avellino in Campania, with a population of over 2600 inhabitants. The territory of the municipality is part of the seismic district of Irpinia, as demonstrated by the earthquake that hit the area in 1980, causing 48 injuries, 287 homeless people and numerous damaged buildings.

History of Montemarano

The foundation of the municipality dates back to the time of the Samnite general Mario Egnazio, who even managed to defeat the Roman armies. In the Middle Ages, Montemarano was a county, with Riccardo Caracciolo, also known as il Rosso, as its count. In the 13th century, the municipality was owned by Count Ligorio Caracciolo, while the diocese of Montemarano was abolished in 1818. According to tradition, in Giotto's fresco cycle in the Upper Basilica of Assisi, there is an episode entitled "Confession of the Woman Raised from the Dead", which recalls the miracle that happened to a woman from Montemarano who was raised from the dead by St. Francis of Assisi.

Mysteries and Treasures of Montemarano: Between History, Art and Traditions.

Monuments and places of interest in Montemarano

The municipality of Montemarano boasts several religious architectures, such as the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Church of the Immaculate Conception and the Church of Purgatory which houses the Museum of sacred vestments. The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is also known as the "cathedral" and was the seat of the former diocese of Montemarano. The building was built in the year 1000, but underwent numerous restorations over the centuries and after the 1980 Irpinia earthquake, it was restored and reopened for worship in 1991. In Montemarano, there are also the 17th century Palazzo Toni and the Fiorili-Buono Palace in late Baroque style. The Castle-Palace is another building of historical and cultural interest. The Communal Villa and the Monument to the Fallen enrich the architectural heritage of the municipality.

Society and culture of Montemarano

In Montemarano, different ethnic groups and foreign minorities coexist, with 55 immigrants present in 2017, most of them coming from Romania. Alongside the Italian language, Montemarano uses an Irpinian dialect. Among the traditions and folklore of the municipality are the Montemarano Carnival and the Montemaranese tarantella. The municipality also hosts the Ethnomusicological Museum "Celestino Coscia and Antonio Bocchino", inaugurated in 2004 during the Carnival, and the Museum of sacred vestments.


Montemarano is a municipality in Campania with a rich history, numerous monuments and places of interest, a lively multicultural society and a strong connection with its traditions. The municipality presents itself as an ideal destination to learn about the culture of the region, visit its museums, participate in its cultural events and admire its historical architectures, taking a dive into Campanian history and culture.

Francesco Serra
Updated Sunday, Mar 13, 2022