
Hello Molise, welcome to the Province of Campobasso!

The Province of Campobasso is located in the region of Molise, in the heart of Italy. With over 200,000 inhabitants, this province offers a variety of natural landscapes, from mountains to the Adriatic coast, passing through hills, rivers, and lakes. In this article, we will explore the physical geography, hydrography, municipalities, and traditions of this province with its unique coat of arms.

Physical Geography

Discovering the Province of Campobasso: Landscapes, Rivers, and Traditions.


The province of Campobasso is characterized by the Sannita Apennine mountain range, hills, rivers, lakes, and the Adriatic coast. This varied territory includes cities, towns, and picturesque villages. The valleys of the Trigno, Biferno, and Fortore rivers give this area a typical appearance.



The province of Campobasso is crossed by the Trigno, Biferno, Fortore, Tammaro, Saccione, Sinarca, and Sassinora rivers. The Biferno river with its over 20 m³/s, passes through the Guardialfiera lake and crosses the province of Campobasso. The Fortore is the longest river (110 km), marks the border between Molise and Puglia, and crosses the Occhito lake. The Trigno, which marks the border between Molise and Abruzzo, crosses the province of Chieti before flowing into the Adriatic Sea.


Two artificial lakes have been created in the province of Campobasso. The largest is the Guardialfiera Lake, where the 647 Fondo Valle del Biferno state road crosses the dam.


The province of Campobasso includes 84 municipalities, with Campobasso as the capital city and seat of institutions. Some regional municipalities such as Termoli, are very popular with tourists thanks to the beaches available.


The province of Campobasso dates back to the ancient province of Contado di Molise and the coat of arms is composed of wheat ears and an eight-pointed star. The culture of this region offers many significant traditions, such as the feast of San Giorgio, the Matese Carnival, and the feast of Sant'Antonio Abate.


So, what are you waiting for to visit the Province of Campobasso with its variety of landscapes, historic municipalities, and interesting traditions? This province is perfect for lovers of nature and history. We are sure that you will not be disappointed by its culture, monuments, and natural beauties.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Friday, Feb 11, 2022