
Welcome to Montella, a small town in Campania

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Montella, a small town in the province of Avellino in Campania, which has about 7300 inhabitants. The town is located in the southern part of Irpinia and is part of the Terminio Cervialto mountain community.

A bit of physical geography

The territory of Montella is predominantly mountainous and rich in water resources, thanks to the numerous springs present in the area. The Calore Irpino, the most important river in the area, has its source in Montella. In addition, the town is surrounded by extensive forests and pastures, as well as crops of various kinds, including the famous Castanea Sativa, which has made Montella famous all over the world.

Montella, natural treasures among chestnuts, truffles, caves, and waterfalls.

The natural resources of Montella

As I mentioned before, Montella is famous for the production of the Montella Chestnut, a unique product, internationally recognized with the IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) label. In addition, the Montella territory is also known for the presence of black truffles, which grow spontaneously among the plant roots.

Water, a precious resource

Montella is a very lucky area regarding water reserves. The town is able to provide water to many areas of Campania and Puglia, thanks to the numerous springs present in the area, such as Peschiera, Pollentina, Prete, and Bagno della Regina.

Caves and waterfalls

The territory of Montella is also characterized by the presence of numerous caves and waterfalls, the result of the karst phenomenon to which the mountains are subjected. Among the most famous, there are the Cantraloni Cave and the Caprone Cave, the Tufara waterfall, the Fascio waterfall, and the Lavandaia waterfall.

The Lavandaia waterfall is particularly interesting because it has a very ancient history. In fact, it has been present for many centuries, and in the 15th century, it was rebuilt to feed a mill wanted by the citizens. Today it is one of the starting points for excursions.


Here is my brief presentation of Montella, a town waiting to be discovered, with its natural resources, caves, and waterfalls. If you decide to visit, do not miss the Montella Chestnuts and take a walk through the picturesque mountains of Irpinia. Enjoy your visit!

Francesco Serra
Updated Saturday, Nov 26, 2022