Monteleone Sabino

Monteleone Sabino: A Small Treasure of History and Nature in Lazio

If you love Italy for its history, culture, and natural beauty, then you must visit Monteleone Sabino, a beautiful municipality with only 1178 inhabitants located in the province of Rieti, in the heart of Lazio. In this article, we will guide you to discover this charming medieval village.

Physical Geography


Monteleone Sabino is located at 496 meters above sea level, on the southern edge of the Sabine Mountains, in a privileged position that allows you to enjoy a spectacular view of the Farfa River valley.

Monteleone Sabino: history and nature in the heart of Lazio


The climate here is hot and temperate, with cool winters and very pleasant summers.

Origins of the Name

The name of the town has ancient and not entirely clear origins. According to some hypotheses, it could derive from the lion, the symbol of the ancient Roman city of Trebula Mutuesca, on whose ruins the medieval village was built. Other sources connect it to the Brancaleoni family of Romania, which ruled the area from 1344 until the mid-sixteenth century. There is also a curious popular legend that sees the name of the town linked to the similarity between the hill on which it stands and the figure of the lion, which seems to cling to the ground waiting to hunt.


Monteleone Sabino is a locality with a millennial history, dating back to the High Middle Ages. Here are the remains of the ancient Sabine city of Trebula Mutuesca, with important archaeological discoveries, including an impressive Roman amphitheater. The medieval village, on the other hand, has its origins around the 10th century.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Religious Architecture

The Sanctuary of Santa Vittoria is a place of great suggestion, linked to a beautiful legend. According to tradition, a miracle occurred here in the 5th century, from which the veneration of the saint was born.

Archaeological Sites

History enthusiasts can admire the Roman Amphitheater of Trebula Mutuesca, an imposing building dating back to the imperial era.


Demographic Evolution

The population of Monteleone Sabino has remained rather constant over the years, hovering around 1200 inhabitants.



The Archaeological Civic Museum "Trebula Mutuesca" hosts a vast collection of archaeological artifacts, including statues, mosaics, and jewelry.


The cuisine of Monteleone Sabino is delicious and genuine, based on high-quality local products. Among the typical dishes, you cannot miss the fettuccine alla trebulana, with tomato sauce and sausage, and the anise ciambelletti, perfect to conclude a meal sweetly.



Agriculture is a very important activity for the economy of Monteleone Sabino. In particular, olive trees have been cultivated for centuries and their oil is famous throughout Italy.

Infrastructure and Transport


The main connection artery for Monteleone Sabino is the State Road 4 Via Salaria, which allows you to reach Rome and Rieti. To reach the town, you must travel a winding road of about three kilometers, which offers fantastic panoramic views.


Monteleone is not served by any railway line.


The Municipality of Monteleone Sabino is part of the province of Rieti, in Lazio.

In summary, Monteleone Sabino is a place to visit at least once in a lifetime, to appreciate its millennial history, the beauty of the surrounding nature, and the authenticity of its traditional cuisine. Venice has its gondolas, Florence its museums, Rome its monuments: Monteleone Sabino has its authenticity and its discrete grandeur. Come and discover it!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Thursday, Oct 20, 2022