
Hello! let me introduce Monteiasi, the charming and ancient municipality in Puglia

Monteiasi is a fascinating destination in the heart of Puglia, with a rich history and untouched nature. Located in the province of Taranto, its name comes from the ancient Greek words "monos tiasos", which means "sacred zone". In this article, I will guide you through the discovery of this destination, from its origins to the beauty of its natural landscapes.

Monteiasi: history and nature of unspoiled Puglia.

Physical Geography


Monteiasi is situated northeast of the Ionian city, surrounded by the Mediterranean scrub characterized by olive trees and vineyards. The territory is about 47 meters above sea level and located in the Salento subregion.


Monteiasi has a warm and temperate climate, typical of the Mediterranean scrub. The summer temperatures usually exceed 30 degrees Celsius during the day, while in winter the temperatures rarely drop below 10 degrees Celsius.

Origins of the Name

Despite many interpretations of the town's name, there is no concrete evidence to prove any of them. The most accepted version is the Greek compound "monos tiasos", meaning "sacred zone". According to this theory, many fragments of figurines were found in the countryside, used for the worship of the god of wine and festivities, Dionysus.


Monteiasi has a history that goes back hundreds of years. In 1280, the royal knights Natoli participated in the military campaign led by Charles I of Anjou to conquer the Kingdom of Frederick II of Swabia. The knights milites stand out in battle and, for their military merits, they received vast estates in various parts of Italy directly from King Charles I of Anjou. Enrico Landoglia, on the other hand, was assigned some areas of the current Salento, including the eastern slope of the present-day province of Taranto, where Monteiasi was born.


Monteiasi is an Italian municipality that is worth a visit to discover its past, culture, and the beauty of its landscapes. The untouched nature, presence of historical evidence, and historical and gastronomic tradition are just some of the reasons that make this town charming. Do not hesitate to visit this municipality, an unforgettable experience awaits you.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Friday, Jan 6, 2023