
Montegaldella: a Vicenza municipality full of history and culture

Montegaldella, also known as Montegaldea in the Venetian language, is a municipality of 1,809 inhabitants located in the province of Vicenza, in Veneto. The territory is bordered by the Paduan territory and is located near the Bacchiglione river. In the past, the strategic location of the town exposed it to frequent raids by the Paduans.

Name origins and history

The name of the municipality of Montegaldella derives from the German term "Warte," which means "tower." According to the Paduan historian Albertino Mussato, this term refers to "the site placed on guard for vigilance." It is presumed that there was a Lombard military outpost in this area. The parish church of Montegaldella, whose current building dates back to the 19th century, was a Lombard building.

Most of Montegaldella's history took place in the 16th century when the grand complex of Villa La Deliziosa was built. The coat of arms and the banner of the municipality of Montegaldella were granted with a decree by the President of the Republic on September 24, 1997.

Montegaldella: history, architecture and culture in Veneto.

Monuments and places of interest

The municipality of Montegaldella offers numerous interesting religious and civil architectures. Among the many villas in the territory, it is possible to visit Villa Conti Lampertico Campagnolo, called "La Deliziosa." The building dates back to 1622 and was modified/enlarged several times in the 18th and 19th centuries, leaving only the original Corinthian order loggia and statues. Inside, there are sculptural works attributed to Orazio Marinali and a panel by Giambettino Cignaroli. Another point of interest is Villa Ragona in Ghizzole.

Events and Festivals

The Pumpkin Festival is an event born in 2010 from the "Amici della Zucca di Montegaldella" group, which proposes typical dishes of the peasant culture based on pumpkin at the end of September in the hamlet of Ghizzole. The event involves the entire community, and the preparation of typical pumpkin-based dishes begins in the spring with the delivery of giant pumpkin seeds that will participate in the competition during the event. During the summer, the handmade tortelli proposed in the gastronomic stand are prepared, and then the event reaches its peak with two weekends of great pumpkin-based dishes, exhibitions, and theme contests, markets, and cooking classes. In 2015, the festival edition brought approximately 18,000 visitors to the small hamlet.

Curiosities and greetings

Montegaldella is also known as "the town of greetings" because it has promoted a campaign to safeguard the greeting as a form of civility, education, and friendship.

Administration and external links

Montegaldella is a municipality full of history and culture worth visiting. If you want to learn more, check out the municipality's website or visit the page on Wikipedia.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, Mar 19, 2022