

The road to Ceratello connects Vitriola to Casola (Montefiorino). It is a less challenging road compared to Tornanti and ideal for drivers who prefer a simpler drive. The road to Caldana leads to Rubbiano (Montefiorino). It is straighter and less winding than the other two.

As for public transportation, Vitriola is served by a bus line that connects the town to Sassuolo and Montefiorino.


Vitriola is a town rich in traditions and events. In the summer, the Sagra del Borraccino is held, featuring local food specialties such as the famous borlengo, cured meats, and cheeses. During the Christmas season, the town is lit up with lights and decorations.

Vitriola: traditions, events, and nature in the Apennines.


Vitriola is also famous for the "little sparrow of Vitriola," which inspired a popular song by the Modena City Ramblers. Sparrows from Vitriola are caught in large quantities by locals and cooked with polenta.

In addition, the poet and publisher Tonino Guerra, originally from Santarcangelo di Romagna but a resident of Pennabilli, was a frequent guest in his house in Vilatriola, a hamlet of Pian dei Prati, where he spent his time writing and painting.


Vitriola is a small town in the Modenese Apennines, rich in history, traditions, and an unspoiled landscape. Its cool summer climate and snowy winters make it an ideal place for those seeking peace and relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The Sagra del Borraccino and Christmas decorations are just a few of the events that animate the town, keeping its culture and traditions alive. Whether you are in search of great food, nature walks, or just want to enjoy some peace and quiet, Vitriola is the right place for you.

Martina Caruso
Updated Monday, Aug 8, 2022