Montefalcone di Val Fortore

Welcome to Montefalcone di Val Fortore: a hidden treasure in Campania

If you're looking for a peaceful place surrounded by nature, Montefalcone di Val Fortore is the perfect destination for you. Located in the province of Benevento in Campania, this small town of 1318 inhabitants is the highest in the province and offers breathtaking views.

Unique Geography

Montefalcone di Val Fortore is located on the border with the province of Foggia, in an area rich in springs and forests. The view from its limestone rock hill extends to the mountains of Abruzzo and Basilicata, creating an unforgettable experience for nature lovers. The climate is unique: during long and cold winters, the snowy precipitation and the predominance of the bora winds make it truly special.

The municipal territory is mainly composed of pastures and oak and chestnut forests. The main forest is located in the Toppo Pagliano-Monte area, extending over 230 hectares. In the Cavecchia district, there is also a 90-hectare pine forest.

Montefalcone di Val Fortore: Nature treasure in Campania

The History of Montefalcone

The Montefalcone area dates back to pre-Roman times when it was located on the northern border of the territory of the Samnite tribe of Irpini. Today, it is possible to admire ancient settlements such as some archaic tombs and pottery dating back to the 4th century B.C. The town was conquered by Norman domination and the name derives from the Falcone family, who first ruled the fiefdom.

Subsequently, Montefalcone experienced a long series of feudal lords, such as the Caracciolo and Mansella of Salerno. In 1439, the castle hosted King Alfonso V of Aragon. The fiefdom was confiscated by the Royal Court, which sold it in 1645 to Francesco di Montefuscoli. It then passed to the De Sanctis, then back to the Royal Court, and then to the Di Sangro and the Prince of Rocella, who held it until the end of feudalism in 1806. From an administrative point of view, the municipality was part of the royal consulate of commerce of Ariano Irpino in the province of Principato Ultra, then became part of the district of Bovino in Capitanata, and finally to the new province of Benevento in 1861.

What To Do in Montefalcone

Montefalcone is an ideal place for all nature lovers. Thanks to its forests and pine forests, the area is perfect for hiking and mountain biking. But Montefalcone also offers a unique panoramic view and an unforgettable culinary experience. Roast lamb is a traditional dish that you should definitely try. In addition, the town organizes several festivals throughout the year, such as the Sagra dell'Anatra and the Festa di San Donato.

How To Reach Montefalcone

Montefalcone di Val Fortore is easily accessible by car through the A16 Napoli-Bari highway. The town is located about 20 km from the Cervaro-Pescopagano exit. Alternatively, it is possible to reach the municipality by bus, thanks to the services offered by some transport companies.

In short, Montefalcone di Val Fortore is a hidden gem in the province of Benevento in Campania. Thanks to its unique panoramic view, fascinating history, and proximity to nature, Montefalcone is a must-visit for anyone looking for an escape from the city's frenzy. Come and discover Montefalcone and its timeless beauty!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Tuesday, Nov 29, 2022