Madonna della Stella

The sanctuary of Madonna della Stella: a place of faith and history

Dear readers,

Today we want to talk to you about a very special place, the sanctuary of Madonna della Stella, located in the municipality of Montefalco, in the Province of Perugia. This Marian place of worship is rich in history and faith and we would like to tell you everything there is to know.

The history

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Star: history and faith

The original church

The first church that stood in the place where the sanctuary is now located dates back to 1525 and was dedicated to St. Bartholomew the Apostle. Unfortunately, it collapsed in 1832 due to a violent earthquake, but a fresco of the "Madonna and Child" by Paolo Botulli da Percanestro was fortunately saved.

The story of the Madonna's apparition

In 1860, Mrs. Santa Bonifazi from Fratta sent word to the parish priest Don Brunetti that the Madonna "wants to be honored again in that place" and to rebuild the church. However, the difficult economic situation of the parish did not allow for such a large work and the priest replied that, if the Madonna wanted the church, she had to provide the necessary money.

In 1862, a five-year-old boy named Federico Cionchi, while playing near the ruins of St. Bartholomew's church, claimed to have seen the Virgin Mary. The news of these apparitions quickly spread and even crossed regional borders, thanks to testimonies of alleged graces and miracles received by the faithful who frequented the church.

The new church

It was decided to build a new sanctuary, funded by the donations of the faithful, and dedicated to Mary "Auxilium Christianorum" (Mary Help of Christians). However, a new earthquake in 1878 destroyed it, but thanks to donations and the contribution of Pope Leo XIII, the church was quickly restored. Finally, the church of Madonna della Stella was entrusted to the Passionists by Bishop Giovanni Battista Arnaldi through a convention with the then-general of the order, Cesare Silvestrelli, future blessed Bernardo Maria di Gesù.

Description of the sanctuary

The sanctuary of Madonna della Stella is located halfway between Montefalco and Spoleto, in the center of the Spoletina plain. It appears as a splendid neoclassical style church, with a travertine facade and a large central rose window. Inside, the coffered ceiling and frescoes by painter Adolfo de Carolis, depicting the life of the Madonna, create an atmosphere of great beauty and spirituality.

Important events

The sanctuary of Madonna della Stella hosts important liturgical celebrations and manifestations of faith every year. Among these, the Assumption feast stands out, which attracts thousands of faithful on August 15, and the feast of Madonna della Stella, which is held on the first Saturday after Easter.

The meaning of Madonna della Stella

Madonna della Stella is venerated as "help of Christians" and "star of the sea", because in the past sailors, during their voyages, prayed to Madonna della Stella to obtain protection and help. Madonna della Stella is the symbol of hope and trust in God, who helps the believer in times of difficulty, as he did with Federico Cionchi, who saw the Virgin and received her blessing.


The sanctuary of Madonna della Stella is a place of great beauty and faith, rich in history and tradition. Its construction was possible thanks to the contribution of the many faithful who believed in the Madonna and donated their financial support to build a place of worship where they could pray and find comfort. The story of Madonna della Stella teaches us that faith and hope can overcome every obstacle and that Madonna, as help of Christians, is always present to protect and guide her children.

Federico Conte
Updated Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022