
Montefalco: A Beautiful Umbrian City

Hello friends, today I will talk about Montefalco, a beautiful Umbrian municipality located in the province of Perugia and part of the Club of the Most Beautiful Villages of Italy. Montefalco is famous all over the world for its high-quality wines, including Sagrantino di Montefalco and Montefalco Rosso, but it also offers many other tourist attractions that will make your stay unforgettable.

Physical Geography

Montefalco is located on top of a hill and is surrounded by vineyards and olive groves. This favorable position earned it the nickname "Umbria's Balcony" since 1568. Thanks to its panoramic location, you can admire a 360° view that spans the entire valley between Perugia and Spoleto.

Montefalco: the Balcony of Umbria between wine and art.


The climate of Montefalco and the surrounding hills is continental. The average temperature of the coldest month, January, is +3.8 °C, while that of the hottest month, July, is +23.5 °C. Annual average rainfall is around 700 mm, distributed in about 89 days, with a relative minimum in summer and a peak in autumn. The city sees snow about seven times a year and there are on average 40 frost days a year.


Montefalco has a population of 5,372 inhabitants as of 2011. According to ISTAT data, as of January 1, 2011, the foreign resident population was 516 people, or 9.0%. The most represented nationalities were Albania, Romania, North Macedonia, Morocco, Poland, and Ukraine.


The toponym Montefalco is due, according to tradition, to Frederick II of Swabia. The emperor, visiting the area in the 13th century, noticing the large number of falcons, decided to change the name of the locality from Coccorone to the current one. During the period of the Tuderte occupation, the cultivation of grapes for Grechetto began, which was added to the older tradition of red wine. In the same period, the construction of the public palace and main religious buildings also took place. The city thus became the most important fortification of the Tuderte territory against Foligno and Spoleto and remained so until 1383, when it first fell under the Trinci of Foligno, and then became, like other Umbrian centers, under papal rule.

The Wines of Montefalco

Montefalco is famous all over the world for its wines, especially Sagrantino di Montefalco and Montefalco Rosso. Sagrantino is a strong and tannic red wine that goes well with meat dishes and aged cheeses. Montefalco Rosso, on the other hand, is a blend of Sangiovese, Sagrantino, and other indigenous Umbrian grapes, which make it smooth and fruity. You can taste these and many other wines at the numerous wineries in the area.

What to See in Montefalco

Montefalco offers numerous tourist attractions for all tastes and ages. You can visit the numerous churches of the city, including the Church of San Francesco and the Church of Sant'Agostino, framed by wonderful frescoes by local artists. You can also visit the Civic Museum of San Francesco, which houses numerous works of art, including some splendid frescoes by Benozzo Gozzoli. In addition to cultural attractions, you can also go on excursions in the surrounding areas, discovering the wonderful landscapes of Umbria.


In conclusion, Montefalco is a wonderful city that offers numerous tourist attractions for all tastes. If you are a wine enthusiast, you cannot miss the tasting of Sagrantino di Montefalco and Montefalco Rosso at the wineries in the area. If you love art and history, you can visit the numerous churches and museums of the city. In any case, Montefalco will surprise you with its beauty and charm.

Federico Conte
Updated Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022