
Welcome to Tortiano, a hamlet of Montechiarugolo!

Hello everyone! Today I will be talking about Tortiano, a hamlet in the municipality of Montechiarugolo in the province of Parma, which has a population of 557. Are you curious to discover more about the history, geography and climate of this locality? Then read on, I will tell you everything!

Tortiano: history, geography and climate of a hamlet in Montechiarugolo.

Physical geography


Tortiano is located on the left bank of the Enza river, at the edge of the first hilly ridges of the Parma Apennines. Not far from the center, there is a large flat area called "Le Bocete", which, prior to its reclamation in 1833, remained uncultivated for a long time and belonged to many different owners. Today it is a very fertile area dedicated to agriculture.


If you are wondering about Tortiano's climate, I can tell you that it is typically continental. In July, the average maximum temperatures are around 28.6 degrees Celsius, while in January the average minimums drop to -1.3 degrees Celsius. As for rainfall, in July there is an average of 44 millimeters, while in November it is 101.


The medieval village of Tortiano was first mentioned in 969, but due to its proximity to the castle of Montechiarugolo, in the following centuries the town was completely abandoned. Tortiano became increasingly associated with the neighboring village and, from the year 1106, it became subject to the Municipality of Parma. In the twelfth century, the area became a fief of the Sanvitale family, which held it until 1313, when the Guelphs of Parma expelled Count Giovannino. However, the Liberati and Baratti families still possessed property in the Tortiano area for centuries. In the fourteenth century, Tortiano followed the events of the Municipality of Parma, and later became a fief of the Sanvitale and Torelli families in the following centuries. In 1612, Count Pio Torelli was accused of having taken part in the alleged conspiracy against the Duke of Parma Ranuccio I Farnese, who sentenced him to death and confiscated all his possessions. In this way, the Montechiarugolo fief was definitively absorbed by the Ducal Chamber of Parma.


I hope that my brief presentation of Tortiano has pleased you and that you have appreciated the history and geography of this locality. If you are in the area, I invite you to take a walk through its streets and discover the beauty of this place for yourself. Enjoy your visit!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Aug 30, 2022