
A brief introduction to Basilicanova

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Basilicanova, a delightful hamlet of the municipality of Montechiarugolo, in the province of Parma. With a population of 3,231 inhabitants, it is a fairly large hamlet, which includes the localities of Ghiare, Piazza and Lovetta. Basilicanova is home to one of the five hamlet councils of the polycentric municipality of Montechiarugolo, only 1.86 km away from the city center.

Physical geography

The hamlet is located on a flat land, east of the Parma river. The climate of Basilicanova is typically continental, with temperatures ranging from 28.6 °C in July to -1.5 °C in January. Regarding rainfall, on average 44 mm of rain falls in July, while 101 mm falls in November.

Basilicanova, the story of a Parmesan hamlet

Origin of the name

The name Basilicanova derives from a "Basilica Nova" erected in 921 at the request of a feudal lord. In medieval times, the term referred to a Christian altar or oratory.


But let's move on to the history of Basilicanova. This area has many archaeological evidences dating back to the Bronze Age, such as some traces of a pile-dwelling village inhabited by the Terramaricoli until the 12th century BC. Not far from this village, a small open-air furnace for the production of ceramics was discovered during excavations for a natural gas pipeline in 1995. In the 9th century BC, some Ligurian tribes of Villanovan culture settled here, who were replaced by the Romans in the 2nd century BC.

The current inhabited center of Basilicanova probably arose in the Middle Ages. In 921, the "Basilica Nova" was built, whose name gave the hamlet its name. In the 13th century, the Piticheldi family built the Castle of Basilicanova.

In 1334, the Rossi of Parma took the castle during a battle against Mastino II della Scala, who burned down the fortress and the nearby Romanesque parish church dating back to the 10th century. The fortress was rebuilt the following year, but in 1336, it was once again attacked and damaged by the Scaliger troops. The clashes continued until the mid-15th century, when Giacomo Terzi and Ottobuono de' Terzi, enemies of the Rossi, conquered the castles of Mamiano and Pariano.

In 1409, on the occasion of the ratification of the peace treaty with the Marquess of Ferrara Niccolò III d'Este, Ottobuono de' Terzi was killed in Rubiera by Muzio Attendolo Sforza, while Guido Torelli was arrested and released in exchange for the promise of his services. The Marquess of Ferrara then besieged Montecchio Emilia and Cavriago, forcing the Terzi of Parma to surrender. Niccolò authorized the Rossi to rebuild the castle of Basilicanova, which was erected in a powerful form in 1411.


Here is the history of Basilicanova, a hamlet that has many stories to tell. I hope I have intrigued you enough and helped you get to know this delightful corner of the province of Parma better. See you next time!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Aug 30, 2022