
Basilicagoiano: a stunning location in the province of Parma

If you're looking for a peaceful and characteristic small hamlet in the province of Parma, then Basilicagoiano is the place for you! This location is home to one of the five hamlet councils of the municipality of Montechiarugolo and has a population of 1744 people. Basilicagoiano is located on the left bank of the Enza river and is just 2.24 km away from the center of Montechiarugolo.

Physical geography

This hamlet is located in a plain area where cultivated lands predominate, surrounded by the Fossazza and Zoletta canals.

Basilicagoiano: history, culture and relaxation in the province of Parma.

Origin of the name

According to some medieval documents, the name derives from the presence of the Church of Santo Stefano, formerly called "Basilica Giuliano" after the name of the Bishop of Piacenza Giuliano, or "Basilica di Gojano" from the Roman history of Gojano. Some historians, however, believe that the name originates from the Celtic word "Besegovium", meaning "overwhelming channel" or from the term "besga" which means "gambling den".


The first evidence of Basilicagoiano's existence dates back to 1100, following a notarial deed of sale of a garden. However, the settlement is much older. The ancient Church of Santo Stefano was built before 1169 at the behest of the bishop of Piacenza.

Around 1403, the Rossi family of Parma, expelled from the city by Ottobuono de 'Terzi, sacked Basilicagoiano twice in one year. In 1406, the Duke of Milan, Giovanni Maria Visconti, invested the condottiero Guido Torelli, an ally of the Terzi of Parma, with the fief of Montechiarugolo, which also included the localities of Martorano, Marano, Tortiano, Pecorile, Lesignano de 'Bagni, and of course Basilicagoiano.

In 1428, the feudal lord Filippo Maria Visconti established the county of Montechiarugolo, officially investing Guido and his descendants. The Torelli family, with the exception of a parenthesis around 1500, maintained possession until 1612. In that year, Count Pio Torelli was sentenced to death by the Duke of Parma Ranuccio I Farnese on the charge of having participated in the alleged conspiracy of the feudal lords. After this incident, Montechiarugolo was absorbed by the Ducal Chamber of Parma.

Monuments and places of interest

The Church of Santo Stefano, located in the village, is the main monument of Basilicagoiano. The parish church, dating back to the sixteenth century, was completely rebuilt in Renaissance style. It was then modified in 1717 with the addition of four octagonal baroque side chapels and enriched with the neorenaissance façade between 1936 and 1937. Inside, it is possible to admire two eighteenth-century paintings, a detached fresco dating back to 1481, and a seventeenth-century organ.

Basilicagoiano is not only a place of historical and cultural interest but also an excellent destination for those seeking tranquility and relaxation. The beauty of the surrounding countryside offers the possibility to practice outdoor sports such as trekking or cycling.


In conclusion, Basilicagoiano is an enchanting place that offers visitors a splendid atmosphere full of history and culture. Thanks to the beauty of the surrounding territory, it also represents an excellent choice for those looking for some relaxation immersed in nature.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Aug 30, 2022