Montecchio Precalcino

Welcome to Montecchio Precalcino

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Montecchio Precalcino, a beautiful Italian town located in the province of Vicenza, in the Veneto region. With its inhabitants, it is a municipality of about ___ people who are fortunate to live in a truly surprising natural environment.

Physical Geography

The town is mainly composed of a low hill called ''el Monte de Montécio'' that offers paths with enchanting views, ideal for nature lovers and hiking enthusiasts. To the east, the municipality's territory is delimited by the Astico stream, which for centuries has been a source of income for the inhabitants thanks to the collection of stones for the production of lime and for the construction of walls.

The hill on which Montecchio Precalcino is located is made up of a flow of black basalt and layers of volcanites of different colors. It was erupted from the fracture of the earth's crust, which has a fault line descending from the Astico valley, in addition to the Pedemontana fault that cut it at about 90°, as well as other minor faults that intersect Montecchio.

Montecchio Precalcino: history, nature and hiking in Veneto


Origin of the toponyms

The toponym Montecchio Precalcino appears for the first time in the form of ''Monticulus Precalcini'' in 1261-1263. The origin of the name seems to reflect the modest alluvial height of the town that dominates the west and the gravel transported by the Astico stream from which lime was produced.

The names of the Levà and Preara hamlets, on the other hand, derive from the characteristics of the places: Levà is connected by a slightly uphill road while Preara is a stone quarry located in the Astico area.

Ancient times

Human presence is documented since prehistoric times in this area. Various Middle Paleolithic and Neolithic artifacts have been found, while others date back to the Paleovenetian era. During the Roman era, the territory of Montecchio Precalcino was composed of different villages and paths.


Montecchio Precalcino is a town rich in history and culture, where human presence is attested since prehistoric times. Its surprising nature and enchanting views make it a perfect place for hiking and nature enthusiasts.

If you are looking for a place to relax away from the frenzy of city life and breathe in the beauty of nature, Montecchio Precalcino is the perfect choice for you!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, Jan 21, 2023