Montecatini Val di Cecina

Montecatini Val di Cecina: geography and climate

Montecatini Val di Cecina is a municipality in Tuscany, situated in the province of Pisa. With a population of around 1660 inhabitants, the municipality enjoys high atmospheric diffusivity and a mild climate. The average temperatures vary between 9.4°C in January and 28.3°C in July, while the minimum temperatures hover around 4.0°C in January and 5.3°C in December.

The history of Montecatini Val di Cecina

Prior to the 10th century, the town was known as Monte Leone. In 1099, Peter, the bishop of Volterra, exercised civil authority over it, while the religious order was under the town of Gabbreto. In 1316, a battle between Pisa and Volterra took place in Montecatini Val di Cecina, and the winners, the Pisans, imposed a convention on the losers. In 1350, the castle was conquered by the Belforti, lords of Volterra, who provided it with a strong garrison. In 1361, the town was occupied by Florentine troops but was returned to Volterra the following year, which regained control after defeating the Belforti. In 1472, the town passed under direct Florentine dominion. During the Grand Duchy of Tuscany period, there were no particularly significant events.

The plague of 1630-1632 spared the town thanks to timely measures, but the economic damage was extremely severe and led to the closure of the mines. However, during the 19th century, mining activity experienced significant expansion, and the Montecatini Val di Cecina mine became the largest copper mine in Europe. Mining activity ceased in 1907. In 1911, the exploitation of the salt deposits by the Solvay Group began, necessary for the chemical activities of Rosignano Solvay.

In 1943-1944, during the Nazi occupation, Montecatini Val di Cecina was the scene of significant episodes of Italian Resistance. The partisan brigade "Otello Gattoli" operated in that area. In the 1946 referendum, the majority of voters voted for the Republic, while only a minority voted for the Monarchy.

Montecatini Val di Cecina: history, culture, and climate in Tuscany.

Commercial activities

Montecatini Val di Cecina has seen the evolution of its commercial activities over the years. Montecatini, a copper extraction company, was founded in 1888 with the aim of exploiting the Caporciano mines. The company played an important role in the economic growth of Montecatini Val di Cecina, although mining activity ceased in 1907. Subsequently, the advent of salt deposits allowed for the growth of chemical activities in the region.

Culture and tourism

Montecatini Val di Cecina has a rich cultural heritage, with historical buildings such as the Pietraie Castle and the Church of San Biagio. The town also offers beautiful panoramic views, thanks to its elevated position on the Tuscan hills.

The medieval village of Montecatini Val di Cecina offers an authentic experience of Tuscany. Its narrow streets and historical past offer a unique feeling that can only be appreciated by walking through it. Moreover, the region is famous for its delicious Tuscan cuisine and its fine wines, which can be tasted in some of the numerous restaurants in the municipality.


Montecatini Val di Cecina is a municipality in Tuscany with a long and rich history. The region is known for its ancient mining activity, natural beauty, cuisine, and fine wines. Despite being a small municipality, Montecatini Val di Cecina offers an authentic cultural experience of Tuscany that is worth visiting.

Francesco Serra
Updated Saturday, Sep 24, 2022