
Casteltodino: a village among the Umbrian hills

Hello friends! Today I'll talk about Casteltodino, a charming hamlet in the municipality of Montecastrilli, in the province of Terni.

With its 1,170 inhabitants (resident population as of 31/12/2015), Casteltodino is located a few kilometers from the main town, and is located at the crossroads between the via delle Sette Valli and the via Amelia, at an altitude of 436 meters.


The history of Casteltodino is ancient and fascinating. It is said that the village was founded by the Roman nobleman Caio Sempronio Tudiano, from whom the original name of "Castel Tudiano" derives. Even today, the remains of the ancient Roman settlements can be seen, especially on the hilltops surrounding the village. In fact, by reading an inscription on the entrance door of the village, it is possible to notice the presence of the ancient civilization.

During the Middle Ages, the territory belonged to the Terre Arnolfe, the possessions of Arnolfo of the Grand Duchy of Spoleto. Later, it passed under the control of the Ravizzone. Despite suffering several attacks by Goths, Lombards, and Saracens, the village remained under Tuderte's dominion.

In 1366, Casteltodino was besieged by John Hawkwood, a famous English mercenary captain. In 1849, on the other hand, the village had the honor of hosting Giuseppe Garibaldi for a few hours.

Casteltodino: a medieval village among the Umbrian hills.

Economy and events

The strategic position of Casteltodino has allowed good economic development, with consequent building expansion and population growth. The main festival of the village takes place between the months of June and July, namely the "Sagra della lumaca al chiodo" (Festival of the snail on the nail). The event, born in 1979, provides a historical reenactment and the "Palio dell'Acuto".

The patron saint of Casteltodino is Saint Bartholomew the Apostle.

Monuments and art places

Among the most interesting places in this village, there is the church of S. Bartholomew, dating back to the 11th-12th century and restored in 1667. Inside, you can admire frescoes from the 16th century and a canvas from 1747.

The historic center of Casteltodino, with its narrow and winding streets, walls, and towers, dates back to the medieval period. Inside, the emblem with Todi's eagle stands out on the entrance door of the village.

Moreover, it is impossible not to mention the Massa palace and the park that surrounds it. In the summer, a tavern is organized here, where it is possible to taste local products, among which the snails on the nail stand out.


For sports lovers, there is the "Amatori Casteltodino" sports association to play soccer.


The history of Casteltodino has been extensively documented over the years. Among the most significant works, there are:

Other projects

To learn more about this village, I suggest you visit the website of the Municipality of Montecastrilli.

External links

Finally, I would like to point out the link to the website of the Municipality of Montecastrilli, where you can find more information about Casteltodino and the other hamlets of the area.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Thursday, Jul 14, 2022