
Let's discover all the locations called "Vissani"

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a curious case of geographic and personal homonymy in Italy and Greece. Do you know that there are several places called "Vissani"? You won't believe it, but one of these places is located just a few kilometers from where I am writing, in Marche!

Vissani in Greece

Let's start with Greece. Vissani is a village in the municipality of Delvinaki, a small town located in the northwestern part of the country, almost bordering Albania. It's not easy to find information about Vissani online or in geography books, but I discovered it by looking at maps and charts.

Vissani: Italian Geographical Homonymy and Personalities

Vissani in Italy

But there's more! In Italy, there are two other locations called Vissani, both in Marche. The first is a hamlet in the municipality of Montecassiano, not far from Macerata. It is a small cluster of rural houses, immersed in the Marche countryside.

The second, instead, is an autonomous municipality called Visso which is located a few kilometers away from the other Marche Vissani. Here too, it is a small mountain village with a very interesting historical and artistic heritage.

People with the surname Vissani

But that's not all. Some Italian people also bear the surname "Vissani". One of them is Francesco Vissani, an Italian physicist who works at the European Gravitational Observatory in Pisa. The other Francesco Vissani, on the other hand, is an expert in environmental policies.

The most famous Vissani, however, is definitely Gianfranco Vissani, one of the greatest Italian chefs. Gianfranco became famous for his culinary creations, his unmistakable style, and his eccentric personality. If you want to taste his specialties, you can go to the "I Pescatori" restaurant in Senigallia, where Gianfranco is the owner.


In short, as you have seen, the name "Vissani" is quite widespread in Italy and Greece, and can refer to very different locations. But even people with this surname are very interesting and represent a bit of the soul of this geographic homonymy.

I hope that my column today has been useful to you and that you have discovered something new! Until next time, with more geographic curiosities and more!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022