
Welcome to the province of Macerata

Hi everyone! In this text, I'll talk to you about the province of Macerata, one of the provinces in Marche. With a population of 303,684 inhabitants and an eponymous capital, the province covers an area of about 2,774 km². Let's discover together the physical geography, economy, infrastructure, and transportation of the province.

Physical geography

Macerata is the largest province in Marche, thanks to territorial and administrative changes in 2009 that added Valmarecchia to the province of Pesaro and Urbino. The province borders the Umbria region to the west and three other provinces in Marche: Ancona to the north, Ascoli Piceno to the southwest, and Fermo to the south. The territory is mainly hilly, with 67.7% of the territory, while the remaining 32.3% is mountainous. The Maceratese Apennines and Subapennine are part of three unions of mountain municipalities: Potenza Esino Musone Mountain Union, Marca di Camerino Mountain Union, and Monti Azzurri Mountain Union.

Discover the province of Macerata: geography, economy, and transportation.


The province of Macerata is characterized by numerous small but highly specialized companies. One of the most significant sectors is that of footwear. In 2006, the Bank of the province of Macerata was established, supporting the economic development of the territory.

Infrastructure and transportation

Before the advent of the car, the province of Macerata was crossed by ancient roads leading to Rome. The most important was the Via Lauretana (Umbria-Marche), which arrived in the province through the Colfiorito Plateau. With the arrival of railways, the Rome-Ancona railway line through the Fossato di Vico-Fabriano-Vall'Esina pass dashed the province's ambitions to have a railway line directly connecting to the capital. However, in 1885, a line was built that, starting in Albacina, shortly after Fabriano, reached Civitanova Marche and connected the provincial capital of Macerata to cities such as Matelica, San Severino Marche, Tolentino, Corridonia, and Montecosaro. Although the railway line connecting Camerino to Castelraimondo has been discontinued, it has been replaced by a bus service.

I hope this summary has been helpful in getting to know the province of Macerata. If you come to visit us, we will be happy to welcome you!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022