
Welcome to Montecarlo!

Hello everyone! Today I'll be telling you about Montecarlo, a town located in the province of Lucca in Tuscany with a population of about 4300 inhabitants. Montecarlo is situated on a hill overlooking the surrounding plain and is famous for the production of olive oil and DOC wines such as Montecarlo Bianco and Montecarlo Rosso. Additionally, the town is crossed by the "Lucca, Montecarlo and Versilia Wine and Olive Oil Route", a perfect path for wine tourism enthusiasts.

Physical Geography

Montecarlo is located at an altitude of 162 meters and extends between the Lucchesia and Valdinievole areas. This territory presents different geomorphological features: the Lucchesia, an irrigated plain where corn is mainly cultivated, and the Valdinievole, whose area is dotted with greenhouses for flower cultivation. The hill of Montecarlo, on the other hand, is cultivated with Vitis and olive trees, and offers a panoramic view of the surrounding plain.

Montecarlo: Enogastronomic Treasure of Tuscany.


The climate in Montecarlo is very pleasant for most of the year. Temperatures range between 10.9°C in January and 31.2°C in July, while minimum temperatures vary between 2°C in January and 17.6°C in August. Generally, summer temperatures are warm and dry, while winter is mild and humid.


The original nucleus of Montecarlo was the village of Vivinaia, built by the ancient Romans and later destroyed by the Florentines in 1331. In 1333, the Lucchese authorities decided to refound the village on top of the Cerruglio hill, where the homonymous fortress stood. The new village was named Montecarlo in honor of the future Emperor Charles IV of Luxembourg.

The Cerruglio fortress played a strategic role in the wars between Lucca, Pisa and Florence in the 14th century. It was first enlarged by Paolo Guinigi, lord of Lucca, and later by the Florentines. Since 1437, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany had Montecarlo definitively under its control.


The coat of arms of Montecarlo was granted by decree of the President of the Republic on November 22, 1984 and consists of a shield with three mountains surmounted by the profile of the Cerruglio fortress. The banner is a white cloth with the representation of the communal emblem in the center. Additionally, the town has a civic flag, also consisting of a white cloth.


Montecarlo has several hamlets. San Giuseppe, the largest, has a population of about 650 inhabitants and is located about 2 km from the town center. San Salvatore overlooks Valdinievole and is crossed by the Lucca-Florence railway line, with a station called Montecarlo-San Salvatore. Turchetto and Gossi are ancient place names but of recent urbanization. Luciani, Micheloni and San Piero in Campo, on the other hand, represent the remains of ancient medieval villages.


Montecarlo is a splendid place that represents an unmissable stop for wine tourism enthusiasts and those seeking the comfort and beauty of Tuscan nature. This town offers a suggestive view of the surrounding plain, as it is situated on a hill, and is a place of production of olive oils and DOC wines. Its history is particular and fascinating, as shown by the representation of communal emblems and the civic flag. Come visit Montecarlo: you will be enchanted!

Martina Moretti
Updated Tuesday, Apr 26, 2022