Montecalvo Versiggia

Montecalvo Versiggia: a historic municipality in Oltrepò Pavese

Montecalvo Versiggia, also known as "Muncalv" in the Oltrepadano dialect, is an Italian municipality located in the province of Pavia in Lombardy. Its geographic location is in the hilly area of Oltrepò Pavese in the valley of the Versa stream. The stream, along with the small Versiggia stream, flows into this valley. The town hall is located in the Crocetta area, at the foot of the Montecalvo castle which stands on the top of the hill.


The toponym "Montecalvo" appears in the imperial diplomas of the 10th century among the assets of the Abbey of San Colombano di Bobbio. In an ancient diploma in favor of the Monastery of San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro in Pavia, the toponym "Montecalvus" is mentioned probably corresponding to the local lordships with a castle.

Montecalvo is mentioned in the diploma with which Frederick Barbarossa granted control over Oltrepò to the city of Pavia in 1164. In the 14th century, the Beccaria family took over the lordship of the area within the Pavia domains. In the 15th century, through successive and unclear passages, the feudal lordship came to the Beccaria of Montebello della Battaglia, who expanded it to include Golferenzo, Volpara, and Rocca de' Giorgi. In 1629, after the extinction of the Beccaria family, the feud was sold to the Dal Pozzo family, along with the nearby feud of Soriasco (Santa Maria della Versa). Due to economic difficulties, the Dal Pozzo family had to dismember their fiefs, and in 1691, Montecalvo with Golferenzo and Volpara (without Rocca de' Giorgi) was sold to the Belcredi family, of the Montalto lords but of another branch. The feud remained in their hands until the end of feudalism in 1797.

Montecalvo Versiggia: history and monuments of the Oltrepò Pavese.

Monuments and places of interest

The Montecalvo castle is the most important building in the municipality, located 360 degrees on the top of the hill. It represented an important stronghold of the defensive system of Val Versa, along with the Tower of Soriasco, Golferenzo, Mondonico, and the Montalino fortress. The church of Sant'Alessandro is the only place of worship in the municipality.


Demographic evolution

With 516 inhabitants, Montecalvo is a small municipality but with an ancient and interesting history. The demographic evolution in recent years has led to a steady growth in population.


Montecalvo is part of the Oltrepò Pavese Mountain Community, in the lower area.


Other projects

For more information about the municipality, it is possible to visit the municipality's website or other sources on the Oltrepò Pavese territory.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Tuesday, Dec 27, 2022