Montebello Vicentino

Welcome to Montebello Vicentino

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about Montebello Vicentino, a charming Venetian municipality located on the border between the provinces of Vicenza and Verona.

Physical Geography

Montebello Vicentino is located at the foot of the Lessini Mountains and at the entrance to the Chiampo Valley, but is also close to the Berici Hills. The municipality is crossed by three rivers: the Chiampo, the guà and the Rio Acquetta. Its geographical location makes it perfect for nature lovers, walks, and outdoor excursions.

Montebello Vicentino: History and Geography of a Venetian Municipality.

Origin of the Name

The name Montebello Vicentino comes from the Latin ''ad aureos montes'', which means ''beautiful mountain''. This interpretation is supported by the Antonine Itinerary, a document from Roman times that describes the inhabited centers encountered during the stay. Despite the other interpretation that the name comes from "mons belli" (mountain of war), there is no evidence to support it.


Pre-Roman and Roman Period

Montebello Vicentino already housed inhabited settlements during the paleo-Venetian era. Tombs belonging to this period have been found in the municipality's territory. Similar finds have been discovered in Este, an important Venetian center in the 8th century BC. During the Roman era, Montebello Vicentino became important thanks to the Postumia Road, a road that connected Genoa to Aquileia. Along this road, there was a refreshment and horse exchange station called ''Mutatio Aureos'', which is still there today in the Mason area. This building was originally a Mansio Templi, used by the Knights Templar to host and assist pilgrims heading to the Holy Land. Today, the building still features an arch, cellars, external stone buttresses, and a keystone with the Templar cross engraved on it.

Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, the inhabited center of Montebello was contested by many noble families. In 1264, the municipality of Vicenza acquired control of the territory. In 1312, the municipality of Vicenza placed Montebello under the jurisdiction of the vicariate of Thiene. In 1387, the territory of Montebello became the property of the Carraresi family of Padua. Two years later, it was ceded to the lordship of Casaloldo, which held it for about 200 years. In 1529, Montebello became part of the Republic of Venice.

Modern Age

During the modern age, Montebello experienced some development and an increase in its population. In particular, the Napoleonic era led to the spread of agriculture, crafts, and textile manufacturing. In 1806, Montebello was united with San Giovanni Ilarione, but regained its independence four years later. In 1866, Montebello became part of united Italy.


Here is a brief summary of the history and geography of Montebello Vicentino. We hope that this information has interested you and that you can soon visit this splendid municipality. Goodbye!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, Jan 12, 2022