Monte Vidon Combatte

Welcome to Monte Vidon Combatte!

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk to you about Monte Vidon Combatte, a small town located in the province of Fermo in the Marche region. With only 397 inhabitants, this town has a lot to offer.

Discover Monte Vidon Combatte

Monte Vidon Combatte is a very suggestive place, situated on a hill in the middle of the Val d'Aso. Its strategic position on the Aso river made it the subject of disputes between the jurisdiction of Fermo and the abbey of Farfa. Later, the town became a productive agricultural possession of Fermo.

The origin of the name is still under discussion, but according to popular tradition, the term "Combatte" refers to a medieval battle where Guidone, lord of the castle, asked for help from his brother Corrado to face an attack by the lord of Rocca Monte Varmine.

Monte Vidon Combatte: Medieval Treasures in the Heart of the Marche Region.

What to visit

Monte Vidon Combatte still preserves a good part of the walls dating back to the XIV - XV century, which open with an original double-arched gate from the XV century, leading to the ancient village. The town has a beautiful park, called "della Rimembranza", from which you can admire wide panoramic views from the Sibillini Mountains to the sea.

Among the artistic beauties to admire is the deconsecrated church of San Procolo, of Paleochristian origin, which preserves a cycle of frescoes attributed to the school of Farfa monk-painters. Moreover, you can visit the ancient wash-house near the Peschiera, a fishing pond used by the Pelagallo Marchesi, where you will find a beautiful centuries-old oak tree.

Social Life and Administration

Monte Vidon Combatte is part of the Fermo Area Vasta n. 4, of the Regional Health Service of the Marche region (A.S.U.R. Marche). In the past, the town's football team played in the Third Category of the Marche region, but is currently no longer enrolled. The social colors are light blue and yellow.


Monte Vidon Combatte is a charming place, surrounded by nature, where you can enjoy breathtaking views. If you are looking for a quiet place, far from the frenzy of the city, I recommend visiting this town. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Tuesday, Jul 5, 2022