Monte San Vito

Municipal Palace and Other Attractions:

The Municipal Palace, which houses the Civic Tower and the ancient Malatesta Fortress, boasts an elaborate arrangement of elegant loggias. The Convent of Santa Chiara, built in the sixteenth century, is home to the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, featuring exquisite Baroque stuccoes. The Church of San Michele Arcangelo, located in the historic center, dates back to the fourteenth century and has a brick bell tower. In the vicinity of Monte San Vito, there are many other attractions, such as the Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Misericordia in Morro d'Alba, a place of pilgrimage for centuries; the Omero State Tactile Museum in Ancona, a unique museum in Italy designed to allow the blind to appreciate art through tactility, and the Adriatic coast, rich in beaches, cliffs, and sea caves.

Economy and Associations:

Monte San Vito's economy is mainly agricultural, with olive oil, wine, and dairy products being the predominant products. The village also hosts several manufacturing and service-based businesses, such as construction companies and transport services. Monte San Vito's territory is active in the associational landscape, with numerous cultural and sporting associations. In particular, the Festival of the Onion is an annual event that attracts a lot of attention, during which typical local dishes based on onion can be enjoyed.

Monte San Vito: between religious and gastronomic traditions.

Culture and Traditions:

Monte San Vito has a strong religious tradition, and much of the village's cultural heritage is connected to religion. The procession of the Madonna degli Angeli, which takes place every year on September 2nd, is one of the most important religious events. Among the culinary traditions are the vincisgrassi, a typical baked pasta dish, and the crescia, a kind of focaccia made with flour, oil, and salt, and then filled with various ingredients.


Monte San Vito has an early childhood school, a primary school, and a middle school, where a bilingual Italian-English education project is implemented.


In addition to the previously mentioned Festival of the Onion and the Madonna degli Angeli procession, the village hosts several events throughout the year, including Monte San Vito in Bloom, a flower fair held in May; the Music Festival, held in the summer, and the Marche White Truffle Market Exhibition, held in the fall.


Monte San Vito is an ancient village of historical importance, boasting a cultural and gastronomic richness that is attested to by monuments and culinary traditions ranging from Baroque architecture to onion-based dishes, to typical dishes prepared with local ingredients such as the Marche white truffle. The agricultural economy is supported by numerous manufacturing and service-based businesses, and the local community is highly active in the associational and cultural landscape. The annual Festival of the Onion and the Madonna degli Angeli procession are among the most anticipated events of the year, and Monte San Vito hosts several other events throughout the year, making the village an interesting tourist attraction for anyone wishing to experience the authentic life of an Italian village.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Friday, Mar 4, 2022