Monte San Martino

Monte San Martino: a scenic and artistic treasure

Monte San Martino is a small municipality in the province of Macerata, located in the Marche region. The village sits at 603 meters above sea level, perched on a rocky outcrop. Monte San Martino is surrounded by the enchantment of the Sibillini Mountains, the green hills, and the blue horizon of the Adriatic Sea. The municipality overlooks the valley of the Tenna River, offering a breathtaking view.

History of Monte San Martino

The origins of Monte San Martino date back to ancient times. However, the founding of the town cannot be accurately traced. Some believe that it was an ancient Roman colony (due to the nearby Falerio, now Falerone). Others speak of a settlement of the Piceni following their defeat by Strabo.

It is known for certain that in the early 900s (10th century), the Santa Caterina monastery was founded. The town's name derives from St. Martin of Tours. It is believed that the town underwent a passage of the Franks, after which the old name of Ars Rubetana changed to the current one.

Monte San Martino: artistic and landscape treasure of Marche region.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Monte San Martino is a town that offers many architectural, scenic, gastronomic, and artistic beauties. Among the religious architectures, the Church of San Martino Vescovo houses three polyptychs by the Crivelli family, two by Vittore Crivelli and one by Carlo Crivelli (painter) and Vittore Crivelli (the "Polyptych of Monte San Martino," the only one known so far made by the two brothers in collaboration). In the church, there are also a polyptych by Girolamo di Giovanni di Camerino da Camerino, a "Crucifixion" in copper attributed to Guido Reni, and a fresco by Vincenzo Pagani da Monterubbiano.

The Church of Sant'Agostino preserves a "Madonna and Child with Saints Joseph and Francis," a painting by Giuseppe Ghezzi. Among the other religious architectures, there are the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, the Church of Santa Maria del Pozzo (not in use), the Church of Santa Caterina and the Benedictine Nuns Monastery, the Church of San Venanzo, and the Church of the Mill (deconsecrated).

In the square, the imposing aristocratic palaces of Urbani, Palombi, Giansanti, and Ricci stand, making the panorama of Monte San Martino even more fascinating and suggestive.


Monte San Martino is a small village with great artistic, historical, and scenic wealth, which offers unique emotions to visitors. Its position on the rocky outcrop between the Sibillini Mountains, the valleys of the Tenna and Tennacola rivers, and the Adriatic Sea make it a place of great charm. Monte San Martino is, therefore, an unmissable place for all those who, armed with curiosity and strolling through the alleys of the town, wish to discover the beauty of the Marche region.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022