Monte San Giovanni in Sabina

Welcome to Monte San Giovanni in Sabina!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the Commune of Monte San Giovanni in Sabina, a small town with a great history in the province of Rieti in Lazio. Are you ready to explore together the geography and history of this place?

Physical Geography

Monte San Giovanni in Sabina: history and geography of a medieval town.


Monte San Giovanni in Sabina is located 728 meters above sea level and is situated on a slope of the Sabini Mountains. One of the most interesting features of the territory is Colle Pozzoneve, with its summit at 961 meters above sea level.


The climate of Monte San Giovanni in Sabina is classified as Zone E, with 2690 GR/G.


The Commune of Monte San Giovanni in Sabina has medieval origins and was for a long time under the rule of the Orsini family from the Monterotondo branch. In the 17th century, it passed under the direct jurisdiction of the Apostolic Camera.

The Tragic Events of Good Friday 1944

Unfortunately, Monte San Giovanni in Sabina has also seen sad moments in its history, such as the macabre massacre of Good Friday in 1944. On that day, in the hamlet of San Michele Arcangelo del Tancia, the population was targeted by German forces and republican forces from Rieti led by the Prefect of Rieti. The locals were forced to witness the destruction of their homes and livestock, sparing nothing, including dogs and cats.

Families sought refuge in the chapel of S. Angelo, where they prayed around the altar. In the afternoon, the executioners forced them to leave the chapel and brutally machine-gunned them. The event ended with the death of fifteen people, including four pregnant women, children, and an elderly sick person.


With this brief summary of the geography and history of Monte San Giovanni in Sabina, I hope to have provided you with a clearer idea of this place and its historical significance. If you are a lover of medieval history or looking for a place to enjoy nature, Monte San Giovanni in Sabina may be the right place for you.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Tuesday, Oct 25, 2022