Monte Roberto

Welcome to Monte Roberto: a small town among hills and rivers

Welcome to Monte Roberto, a small municipality in the province of Ancona in the Marche region, which is home to just under 3000 inhabitants. The town is located on a hill 348 meters above sea level, in the central part of the province, and is surrounded by a territory characterized by intensive field cultivation and the presence of the Esino river.


The municipality of Monte Roberto covers an area of ​​13.51 km² and borders Castelbellino to the north, Jesi to the east, San Paolo di Jesi and Cupramontana to the south, and Maiolati Spontini to the west. The area is known for its unique panoramic view, which on clear days allows you to see both the Adriatic Sea and the Umbro-Marche Apennines.

The city is made up of four hamlets: Pianello Vallesina, the most important of all, Ponte Pio, Sant'Apollinare (where the industrial zone is also located) and Costa. The main crops in the area are Vitis, Quercus, and Olea europaea, especially the regional variety Oliva Ascolana del Piceno, used for the production of high-quality extra virgin olive oil.

Monte Roberto: discover the beauty of Marche's rural tourism.

Flora and fauna

The territory of Monte Roberto is characterized by forests of Quercus, Fagus, Ulmus glabra, and Robinia pseudoacacia, which host numerous animal species such as foxes, wild boars, Picidae, Erinaceinae, Lepus (genus), and Hystrix cristata. Along the Esino river, it is possible to observe various species of Salix babylonica, Populus, Arundo donax and fish such as the Salmo trutta, the Barbus plebejus, and the Squalius squalus, while among the bird species present in the area there are the Acrocephalus arundinaceus, the Remiz pendulinus, and the Cettia cetti.


The territory of the municipality of Monte Roberto is crossed by three torrential streams: the Fosso di San Giovanni, which originates in the territory of Cupramontana, the second which gushes from Staffolo through Sant'Apollinare and the third is a ditch that originates within the municipal territory. The Esino river crosses the municipality near the hamlets of Pianello Vallesina and Ponte Pio.



Monte Roberto has ancient origins and its name originally indicated the presence of a fortress or building (Robur). The toponym Monte, on the other hand, refers to the hill on which the city stands: the first human settlement probably dates back to the Bronze Age.

Recent history

Over the centuries, Monte Roberto has undergone the influence of various historical events, including the dominion of the Church and that of the Papal State. In 1860 the town was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy.

The cultural heritage of Monte Roberto

The city of Monte Roberto boasts an interesting cultural heritage, consisting of churches, palaces, and other works of art. Among the main works of art present in the city, we mention the church of Santa Maria, dating back to the 14th century, and the palazzo dei Priori, which was erected in the 15th century and currently houses the headquarters of the Municipality.



Agriculture is the main economic activity in Monte Roberto, which has a long tradition in grape, olive, and cereal cultivation. In particular, the production of extra virgin olive oil from Oliva Ascolana del Piceno is one of the major products of excellence in the area.


Monte Roberto also hosts several manufacturing activities, including metalworking and textile industries.


The territory of Monte Roberto is an ideal destination for nature, history, and culture lovers. Thanks to its strategic position between the sea and the mountains, the municipality offers numerous naturalistic and cultural itineraries, allowing visitors to explore also the neighboring localities. In particular, the city is renowned for its hills, rivers, and countryside, which offer a unique experience of rural tourism.


Throughout the year, Monte Roberto hosts numerous cultural and traditional events and festivities. Among these, we mention the feast of San Giovanni, which takes place on the night of June 23 on the Esino river, and the Palio degli asini, a donkey race that takes place every year in August.


Monte Roberto is a small town with great traditions, offering visitors and tourists a wide range of tourism and cultural opportunities. The territory, rich in flora and fauna, is characterized by the presence of numerous rivers and hills, offering a unique experience of rural tourism. Furthermore, the city boasts an interesting cultural heritage, consisting of churches, palaces, and works of art, and offers numerous opportunities to participate in events and festivities linked to the history and tradition of the area.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022