Monte Porzio Catone

Exploring Monte Porzio Catone

Monte Porzio Catone is a small town located in the metropolitan city of Rome Capital, in Lazio. The town is characterized by its hills and mountains, with chestnut woods replacing the ancient oak forests. Monte Porzio Catone is situated on a hill that is accessed through narrow and winding alleyways, in the heart of the Colli Albani region and the area of ​​the Castelli Romani.

Physical geography

Monte Porzio Catone is located on a hilly area formed by a small lateral cone of the Lazio Volcano that formed all the Castelli Romani and dominates the southeast periphery of Rome. The town center is built on a block of tufa material and the entire territory slopes down on one side towards the plain and on the other side rises towards Tuscolo.

Monte Porzio Catone: Treasures of Architecture and Nature


The history of the town of Monte Porzio Catone dates back to the 11th century when the place was known as "Mons Porculi or Porculus". It is reported that the area was a possession of the San Paolo fuori le mura monastery and there were a church of Sant'Antonino and a villa of the Gens Porcia. Over the centuries, the town passed through various hands and in 1666, Prince Giovan Battista Borghese rebuilt the church dedicated to San Gregorio Magno from the foundations. In 1872, the town was named Monte Porzio Catone to distinguish it from Monte Porzio in the Marche region.


The municipal coat of arms of Monte Porzio Catone was recognized by the D.P.C.M. of October 12, 1953. The gonfalon is an azure cloth granted by the D.P.R. of June 30, 1954.

Monuments and places of interest

The town of Monte Porzio Catone is a mine of treasures for those who love religious architecture. The church of San Gregorio Magno, commonly known as the "duomo of Monte Porzio," was built by Carlo Rainaldi in 1666 at the testamentary will of Pope Paolo V Borghese, in honor of Pope Gregorio XIII. The cathedral is an example of baroque architecture and dominates the town with its monumental and statuary façade. Other religious buildings in the town include the Tusculan hermitage of Camaldoli, founded in 1607 and completed in 1613, and the church of Sant'Antonio, dating back to the 18th century.

The territory of Monte Porzio Catone is rich in naturalistic excursions, walks, and outdoor activities. The town is part of the Castelli Romani Regional Park and offers numerous opportunities for excursions in the surrounding area. Tuscolo, the highest peak in the Castelli Romani, is an ideal place for long walks and enjoying panoramic views of the Roman countryside.

Monte Porzio Catone is a town that combines architectural beauty with the unspoiled nature of the Roman countryside. A visit to this town will allow you to discover the true heart of the Castelli Romani and appreciate the beauty of nature and the work of man.

Martina Moretti
Updated Thursday, Mar 3, 2022