Monte di Malo

Explore the Municipality of Malo in Vicenza

Malo, also known as Mało in Venetian language, is an Italian municipality with a population of approximately 14,641 inhabitants in the province of Vicenza, Veneto. This municipality has a long history that makes it a truly fascinating place full of interesting people, culture, and monuments.

Physical geography

Malo is situated in a privileged location in Vicenza, as it is situated on the foothill hillsides, surrounded by beautiful landscapes such as the hills and valleys of the area. Its average altitude is around 323 meters above sea level and its climate is typically Mediterranean, with hot and dry summers and mild and humid winters.

Malo: The History and Monuments of a Venetian Town


Malo has a long and fascinating history, full of stories and legends that have marked many of its fundamental stages. However, it is possible to identify some key sections that can give us an idea of the evolution of this municipality.


The root of the name “Malo” seems to derive from the Latin word “malum”, which means “a place near the mountain”. This interpretation provides a convincing explanation of why the municipality is located on the Pedemontano hills.

Ancient era

In ancient times, the Maladense territory was inhabited by the Euganeans until the 8th century B.C., when they were pushed onto the mountains by the arrival of the Veneti who had invaded the plain and settled on the hillside slopes. Traces of the Neolithic and Iron Age cultures have been found, such as artifacts, shards, flints (even flint axes), dating back to 4000-3000 B.C., found in the old town center of Malo.

High Middle Ages

With the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Maladense territory was affected by the invasions and settlement of barbarian peoples. In 910, to counter the invasions of the Hungarians, the emperor Berengario of Friuli donated to the bishop of Vicenza three 'curtes' of the Alto Vicentino, including the 'curtis' of Malo ('Maladum'). The bishop fortified the territory by building a series of castles to defend villages and farmland.


In the Renaissance, Malo became an important center of glass production thanks to the numerous furnaces in the area. The production of high-quality glass objects continued until the 18th century, and the municipality of Malo became one of the main exporters of glass objects throughout Europe.

Culture and monuments

Malo is a municipality rich in culture and monuments that testify to its long history and its importance in the regional economy.

One of the most important monuments of Malo is undoubtedly the Castle of Malo, which was built in the 9th century to defend the territory from the invasions of the Hungarians. Currently, the Castle of Malo is not open to visitors, but it can be admired from the outside.

Another very interesting monument of Malo is the Tower of the Pieve, a bell tower located in the historic center of the municipality that reminds us of the importance of religious buildings in the lives of Maladense citizens.

Malo is also known for the numerous Venetian villas in the area, such as Villa Rotonda, Villa del Foro Boario, Villa Marzotto, and Villa Barbieri. These villas represent the elegance and sophistication of Venetian aristocratic life.


Malo is an Italian municipality that is definitely worth visiting, both for its history and for its naturalistic and artistic beauty. The long and fascinating history of Malo, testified by its monuments and traditions, makes it a very interesting place to explore. In addition, its hilly landscape and its numerous Venetian villas make it a perfect place for a day trip.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Thursday, Apr 21, 2022