
Molara: an ancient castle on the Colli Albani

Molara is a hamlet located within the municipalities of Grottaferrata, Monte Compatri and Rocca Priora, in the area of the Roman Castles, in the province of Rome. It is an ancient castle located at the XV mile of the Via Latina, now called Via Anagnina, at the foot of Tuscolo, in the area of the ancient settlement of Roboraria. Molara has a long history dating back to the Middle Ages.

From the origins to the Middle Ages

The first mention of castrum Molariae dates back to 1090, contained in the Chronicon Sublacense, in which the passage of the castle from Agapito dei Conti di Tuscolo to Annibale Annibaldi is remembered. From this moment, Molara became the stronghold of the Annibaldi family on the Colli Albani.

Later, Molara saw the passage of Pope Innocent IV, King Charles I of Anjou with 25,000 men, and the general chapters of the Order of Saint Augustine. However, even Emperor Louis the Bavarian conquered the castle in 1328.

In 1423, Paoluzzo Annibaldi suffered the confiscation of the castle of Molara, which thus passed to the Apostolic Camera and the Savelli family. But soon there would have been another property, that of the Colonna, who received it from their uncle Pope Martin V with the papal bull Etsi Prudens in 1427.

The Castle of Molara: The History of an Ancient Fortress in the Alban Hills.

From the Renaissance to contemporary history

Over the centuries, the castle passed from the Annibaldi family to the Altemps, Borghese and Aldobrandini families. In 1762, the Suburban See of Frascati Duke of York witnessed the poverty of the inhabitants around the Molara stone quarries, devoid of religious support and education, and some children went naked. In 1884, the Molara Latina and Vigne della Molara hamlets passed from the municipality of Rome to that of Grottaferrata.

During World War II, a German military airport was built in the Molara valley.


Molara is located on a hill, on the Via Tuscolana, and is located about 5 km from Monte Compatri, 6 km from Grottaferrata and 3 km from Rocca Priora, at an altitude of 550 meters above sea level.


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Molara is a hamlet in the municipalities of Grottaferrata, Monte Compatri and Rocca Priora, in the province of Rome, in the region of the Roman Castles.

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To learn more, read the article on the Castello della Molara at

Martina Moretti
Updated Tuesday, May 31, 2022