Monte Cavallo

Welcome to the Province of Macerata

Hello friends, let me introduce you to the Province of Macerata, one of the beautiful provinces in the Marche region of Italy. With a population of around 303,684, this province is vast, covering an area of approximately 2,774 km². Now, let me tell you a bit more about its territory, economy, infrastructure, and transportation.

Physical geography

The territory of the Province of Macerata is varied and fascinating, with a predominance of hills (67.7%) and mountains (32.3%). To the east, the province is bathed by the Adriatic Sea, while the Province of Perugia in Umbria borders it to the west, and it is the only province in the Marche region that borders three other provinces of the same region. Moreover, the jurisdiction of Macerata extends beyond the Umbro-Marchigiano Apennine watershed into the territories of Valnerina (Visso), which is the main "cross-border" area of Marche beyond its natural geographical boundaries.

Discover Macerata Province: territory, economy, and transportation.


In the Province of Macerata, as in the rest of the region, there are many small but highly specialized companies. One sector that stands out in particular is the footwear industry. In 2006, the Bank of the Province of Macerata was established to promote local economic activity.

Infrastructure and transportation

The Province of Macerata is crossed by ancient Roman roads, such as the Via Lauretana, which enters the Marche region from Foligno and reaches the Sanctuary of the Holy House and the port of Ancona. With the advent of trains, the Rome-Ancona Railway through the Valico di Fossato di Vico-Fabriano-Vall'Esina took away the province's ambitions to see a railway artery directly connecting the capital. However, there was a railway line that separated at Albacina, shortly after Fabriano, towards Ancona and arrived at Civitanova Marche in connection with the other important Adriatic Railway after passing through important cities in the province such as Matelica, San Severino Marche, Tolentino, Corridonia, and Montecosaro. Camerino was connected to this railway line in Castelraimondo with the Castelraimondo-Camerino Railway, which is now discontinued and dismantled, replaced with a bus service.

I hope this introduction to the Province of Macerata has been helpful. Come and visit our province and discover the fascinating territory between hills, mountains, and the Adriatic Sea. We await your visit!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Friday, Jul 15, 2022