
Discover Montappone: monuments, culture, economy and administration

Montappone is a small Italian town located in the province of Fermo, in the region of Marche. It is a place rich in history, art and culture, as well as traditional and innovative economic activities.

Monuments and places of interest: religious architecture

Among Montappone's monuments are some religious architectures of great interest. For example, the Oratory of the Sacrament, which features a portal dating back to the 14th century and frescoes by Vincenzo Pagani. Then there is the Church of Santa Maria in Castello, built in the 18th century, located in the highest part of the Old Village.

Montappone: art, culture and handcrafted hats.

Society: demographic evolution

As in many other areas, Montappone has also witnessed a progressive demographic decline, mainly due to the migration of inhabitants to other regions and countries. However, the municipality is working to attract investments and tourism, in order to maintain the vitality of the community and promote development.

Culture: the Hat Museum

Montappone is also known for its culture, among which stands out the Hat Museum. Here you can discover the history and production of this fashion symbol, through a vast collection of hats of all kinds and styles.

Economy: craftsmanship

Among the most traditional and active economic activities of Montappone is craftsmanship, which produces high quality and beautiful objects. For example, the art of lace is highly appreciated in Italy, as well as the production of furnishings made of wicker or rattan. But the true pride of the town is the production of handmade hats, made with straw, as well as bags in chip wood, junco and other materials and ceramics.


The management of the municipality is entrusted to the Municipal Council, composed of the Mayor elected by universal suffrage and councilors. The Municipality of Montappone is responsible for providing the services and infrastructure necessary for the community, including those in the social, health and cultural spheres.

In summary, Montappone is a small Italian town that hides treasures of history, beauty and culture. A must-visit at least once in a lifetime!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022