Montano Antilia

Montano Antilia: a small town in Campania

Located in the province of Salerno, Montano Antilia is a peaceful Italian town with a population of 1696. Its geographical location makes it an important agricultural center in the lower Cilento. In this text, we will explore some of the characteristics of this Italian town.

Montano Antilia: between history, art, and nature in Campania.

Physical geography


Montano Antilia is located at the foot of the southeastern spur of Gelbison, also known as Monte Sacro. It is bathed by the headwaters of the Serrapotamo stream, a right tributary of the Mingardo river. The climate of the town is Mediterranean, with hot summers and winters characterized by incursions of cold air. Snowfall is not rare, but it does not occur every year.


Montano Antilia was part of the territory of Cuccaro Vetere for a long time under the name of Montagna. Given in fiefdom to the Monforte di Laurito family, the town was the starting point of the Filadelfi revolt led by Don Pietro Bianchi and his consort Alessandrina Tambasco in 1828. A plaque on the facade of Palazzo Bianchi commemorates the Cilentan revolts and the feats of these two heroes of Montano Antilia. The revolt opened the way to the 1848 uprisings and then to the Risorgimento uprisings of 1859/60 which led to the unification of Italy.

Monuments and places of interest

The ancient center of Montano Antilia preserves interesting testimonies of its local history. The Mother Church of SS. Annunziata houses valuable 18th-century frescoes by local artists, including the pictorial cycle of contemporary Salerno artist Stefano Trapanese added in 2013. Palazzo Bianchi, once owned by the Monforte di Laurito, where the heroes of the 1828 uprisings Pietro and Alessandrina Bianchi lived, is adorned with a plaque on the facade commemorating the Cilentan uprisings. It is possible to admire the majolica bell tower of Piazzetta San Nicola, the beautiful early 20th-century building facade of La Monica, the chapels of Sant'Anna, Sant'Antonio, and San Sebastiano, and the rural church of Madonna di Loreto. The "Scala Santa", whose restoration brought to light a fresco depicting Mary holding on her lap the lifeless body of Jesus Christ after his passion and deposition, is definitely worth a visit. Finally, the characteristic alleys of the historic center represent a fascinating example of local architecture.

In short, Montano Antilia is a delightful corner of the province of Salerno that embraces history, art, and nature in one place. The town represents an opportunity for those who want to discover a different experience of Campania and its splendid characteristics.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Monday, Jan 23, 2023