Montalto Uffugo

Welcome to Montalto Uffugo: a dive into history

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Montalto Uffugo, a municipality located in the province of Cosenza, in the wonderful scenery of Calabria. Montalto Uffugo has about 20,529 inhabitants and is famous for the beauty of its historic center, which extends over five hills at 430 m above sea level. In this article, we will discover together the history and geography of Montalto Uffugo, to take a plunge into the past of this fascinating municipality.

Physical geography

Montalto Uffugo has a hilly territory, ranging from 111 to 1389 m above sea level. The mountainous area is characterized by harsh winters, with abundant snowfalls, and relatively cool summers, while the temperatures increase as you descend to the plain. The valleys and areas subject to thermal inversions are perceived in winter with temperatures that can reach -5 °C or -7 °C, while summers are hot but still sustainable, as the minimum night temperatures rarely exceed +20 °C. The area of Montalto Uffugo is very rainy, with precipitation falling mainly between autumn and winter.

Montalto Uffugo: history and geography of a municipality in Calabria.


The municipality of Montalto Uffugo was born on the ruins of the ancient city of "Aufugum", but unfortunately its history is not very clear. Historians have not been able to define the origins of Montalto Uffugo, perhaps due to a silence attitude towards the numerous archaeological finds found along the territory, as well as those of the imposing architectural manifestations, such as buildings and monuments, which attest to a glorious past.

Ancient history, Roman domination

At Pantoni, an impressive necropolis of Aufugum was discovered, located a few steps from the highway. The necropolis, reported to the Calabrian museums of Sibari and Reggio Calabria, consists of a significant number of relics that testify to the existence of a grandiose city. The place where the treasures of Montalto are found, called Trisoria, derives precisely from the phenomenon of finding relics. Despite all this, the cataloged archaeological evidence is scarce and often unknown. However, the few available evidence allow us to think that an ancient city once existed in this place, so the name "Pantoni" evokes the image of a city that probably once stood right in Montalto.

To date, there are archaeological finds that attest to the foundation of Aufugum in the 5th century BC and the ancient fountains in the locality of Sant'Angelo, until the 80s had beautiful mosaics, depicting ancient Roman baths. These mosaics, still visible today but now cemented, show us how near the Serrone hill, where there is the locality of Sant'Angelo, there was a significant Roman settlement in the history of this city.


In this article, we have been able to get to know Montalto Uffugo and its history better, taking a trip to this beautiful Calabrian city. We were able to understand its physical geography and climate, but above all, we focused on discovering its historical treasures, witnesses of its rich history. Montalto Uffugo is a magical place to visit at least once in a lifetime, to discover an ancient and mysterious territory. Thank you for reading this article, we hope to have intrigued you enough to make you decide to visit this wonderful city.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Sunday, Jan 1, 2023