Montaldo di Mondovì

Montaldo di Mondovì: a mountain village

Have you ever been to Montaldo di Mondovì? If you've never heard of this town, I will tell you a bit about its history and monuments to introduce you to this small mountain village.

Physical geography

Located in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont, the municipality of Montaldo di Mondovì has around 551 inhabitants. The area is mainly mountainous, but there are some flat areas such as the plateau of the Corsaglia river valley.

The capital, located in Piazza, is situated at an altitude of about 800 meters above sea level and is nestled between the valleys of the Roburentello and Corsaglia streams.

Montaldo di Mondovì: history, monuments and nature in a mountain village.


Montaldo di Mondovì can be considered a remote place inhabited since the 11th century BC by the tribes of Liguri Montani. The area was then occupied by the Romans, as evidenced by some traces found in the Borgata Roamarenca.

There is not much information about the Early Middle Ages, but from the documentation present in the imperial diploma of Henry III the Black, it is learned that in 1041 the bishop of Asti Pietro II was donated the Heremitorium Sancti Ambroxii, which is the Montaldo di Mondovì area.

During the enfeoffment to Di Montaldo, which lasted until the 13th century, the noble family reached the peak of power and importance.

Later, the territory was enfeoffed to Fauzone, Perlasco and Rangone-Collalto.

It suffered the greatest damage during the two salt wars, in the period 1680-1699, and in 1698 the Duchy of Savoy dismembered the District of Mondovì to which Montaldo di Mondovì belonged.


The symbol of Montaldo di Mondovì is a cut stemma of red to the mastio with tower in the natural state, and of silver, at the balista on the spalto, to the natural state. The shield is crowned by marquis crown and the motto is ''Debellare superbos''.

Monuments and places of interest

The village of Montaldo di Mondovì is rich in churches and chapels that have been built over the centuries. Here are some of the most important:

Religious architectures

The parish church, dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, was built in the early 1200s and is located in the capital. It is a very interesting architectural work, with its Gothic-style façade.

The church of Sant'Anna and San Gioacchino, located in Sant'Anna Collarea, is another point of interest. Inside you can admire several paintings and statues.

The church of San Rocco in Roamarenca is instead a place of great historical interest, with walled Roman-era inscriptions.

The church of San Giovanni in Oberti, built in 1574, is of significant architectural and artistic interest.

The Romitory of Sant'Ambrogio in Camerano, built at the end of the 10th century, is a small Romanesque-style church that enchants with its beautiful painting of the Madonna and Child.

The church of San Giuseppe in Roapiana is a small church dedicated to San Giuseppe located on top of a hill.

Among the other religious monuments of Montaldo di Mondovì, there are the church of San Giorgio in Camerano, the church of San Sebastiano in Roapiana, the church of the Holy Spirit in Uvaglio, the church of Santa Lucia in Calupo Soprano, the church of San Bartolomeo in Calupo Sottano, the church of San Lorenzo in Deviglia, the church of Sant'Andrea in Villero, the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Sant'Anna-Gariè, the Confraternity of the Disciplinanti in Capoluogo and the private chapel of Sant'Antonio in Torre Sibilla-Corsagliola.

Montaldo di Mondovì is a small treasure trove of architectural and artistic wonders, ideal for those who love to discover the hidden treasures of our Italy.

In conclusion, Montaldo di Mondovì is a unique experience to be lived, a place where historical and cultural beauty merges with nature, creating a perfect combination for those who want to spend a relaxing and unforgettable day.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Monday, Nov 14, 2022