
Welcome to Montaguto: The Pearl of Irpinia

Montaguto is a small town located in the province of Avellino, in the heart of Campania. With its 348 inhabitants, Montaguto is a hidden gem among the mountains of Irpinia. In this article, we introduce you to its physical geography, climate, history, monuments, and places of interest.

## Physical Geography

Montaguto sits atop a wooded hill at 730 meters above sea level and extends between 351 and 931 meters. The town is bordered to the north by the mountains of Daunia and to the south by the Cervaro River. The settlement is situated on a high rocky spur, from which visitors can enjoy a beautiful panoramic view that extends from the Matese Mountains to the Tavoliere delle Puglie.

Montaguto: The Pearl of Irpinia

## Climate

Montaguto has a cool and temperate climate with moderate rainfall and winter snowfalls. The municipal territory is rich in springs and forests, particularly oak and holly oak groves.

## Origins of the Name

The toponym Montaguto probably derives from "Monte acuto," which means "sharp mountain." According to tradition, however, the first inhabitants arrived at the current location calling it "Monte alto," a name that over time was abbreviated to Montaùto and then Montaguto.

## History

The village is first mentioned in a document from around 950 AD of the diocese of Bovino as a parish. The first attestation of the hamlet of Sambuceto dates back to 1179, which was later aggregated to Montaguto, already assigned to the barony of Flumeri. During the XIII and XIV centuries, the village hosted a large Waldensian community. However, a series of epidemics and earthquakes reduced the population to a minimum. In 1660, there were only three households. In the eighteenth century, there was a demographic recovery that culminated in the nineteenth century. Then, starting from the second half of the twentieth century, there was a drastic drop in the resident population.

## Monuments and Places of Interest

In Montaguto, you can admire numerous fountains of fresh and crystalline water, which make the town particularly charming. Among the main monuments, there are the Mother Church, dedicated to Mary Most Holy of Miracles, and the chapel of Santa Maria delle Grazie. The village also offers many natural attractions, ideal for excursions, and walks in the surrounding woods and hills. Moreover, you cannot miss the opportunity to taste the delicious culinary specialties of Irpinia, such as fusilli alla montagutese and the tasty local sausage.

## Conclusions

In conclusion, Montaguto is a beautiful place, nestled among the mountains of Irpinia, which definitely deserves to be visited. Its natural beauty, millennial history, and culinary culture make it an unmissable destination for all those who love to discover authentic and still little-known places. We invite you to discover Montaguto, the Pearl of Irpinia.

Francesco Serra
Updated Friday, Dec 23, 2022