Montagna in Valtellina

Discover Montagna in Valtellina

Hi friends! Are you ready to discover Montagna in Valtellina? This municipality in the province of Sondrio, Lombardy, is home to 2960 people and is an ideal destination for mountain and nature lovers.

Physical geography

Montagna is located in the mid Valtellina and is surrounded by the Alps and its breathtaking peaks. The highest point in the municipality is the summit of Pizzo Scalino, which reaches a height of 3323 meters! The Davaglione stream runs through the village and flows into the Adda river, offering beautiful landscapes and the famous Pisalocca waterfall with a drop of about 20 meters.

Not far from the village are also the famous earth pyramids, interesting phenomena due to accelerated erosion in moraine deposits. Among these, the most characteristic is the "Capel del Diaul", which has given rise to stories and legends over the centuries.

Mountain in Valtellina: nature, history, and wines.


The territory of Montagna has an ancient history, which can still be seen from the archaeological finds, place names and castles that testify to habitation since ancient times.

Montagna was also the site of medieval struggles between Guelfs and Ghibellines, and was the residence of noble and rich families who left traces of courtly life in the frescoed halls of their homes.


The coat of arms and the flag of Montagna in Valtellina were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on June 19, 1998. The flag is a white cloth.

Monuments and places of interest

If you love religious architecture, you can't miss the church of San Giorgio, the parish church of the village. The gabled facade dates back to the fifteenth century and is dedicated to the patron saint. Inside, you can admire precious frescoes and artworks.

But the true joy of Montagna in Valtellina are its breathtaking landscapes, perfect for mountain excursions or a simple walk in nature. You can admire the typical terraced slopes in the sunny hillsides, where the vines grow that produce the renowned DOC and DOCG wines such as Rosso di Valtellina and Grumello.

Don't forget to visit the neighboring villages, such as Spriana, Marveggia, Pendolasco (now Poggiridenti) and Busteggia, which are part of the territory of Montagna in Valtellina.


In conclusion, Montagna in Valtellina is a small paradise for mountain and nature lovers, where you can discover the history and tradition of the territory, admire breathtaking landscapes, and taste the fine local wines. A perfect place for a relaxing and unforgettable vacation!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022