
The Province of Campobasso: A Hidden Gem in Molise

The province of Campobasso is a little-known gem in Molise, an Italian region that doesn't receive much attention. With its population of 210,249 and an area of 2,909 square kilometers, the province of Campobasso has a lot to offer. It is composed of 84 municipalities, with Campobasso as its capital, where the institutional headquarters is located in the imposing Palazzo Magno.

Physical Geography

The province of Campobasso is located northeast of the Adriatic Sea and borders four Italian provinces: Chieti (Abruzzo), Foggia (Puglia), Benevento and Caserta (Campania), and Isernia. The emblem of the province of Campobasso is very atypical compared to those of other Italian provinces: it has no crown, is not framed in a shield or a geometric shape, and is represented on a red gonfalon. The ears of wheat and the eight-pointed star that make it up are derived from the ancient province of Contado di Molise.

The province of Campobasso: hidden treasure of Molise


The territory of the province extends from the mountains of the Sannio Apennines to the hills, lakes, and rivers of the hinterland, and finally to the Adriatic coast. Just looking at the map, you can see how varied and diversified it is. The province is made up of villages, towns, and cities that fit into a breathtaking landscape.


The province of Campobasso is rich in rivers and lakes. The main rivers are the Biferno, Fortore, Trigno, Tammaro, Saccione, Sinarca, and Sassinora. The Biferno crosses the lake of Guardialfiera, which was created by a dam used for electricity production. The Fortore, which marks the border between Molise and Puglia, crosses the lake of Occhito. The Trigno marks the border between Molise and Abruzzo. The only artificial lakes are the lake of Guardialfiera and the lake of Occhito.


The province of Campobasso has a lot to offer, starting from its varied and diversified landscape. There is something for everyone, from the mountains to the hills to the beaches of the Adriatic. The province is also rich in rivers and lakes, which offer numerous opportunities for outdoor activities such as fishing and hiking. So, the next time you are looking for a little-known and fascinating place in Italy, consider the province of Campobasso as your destination.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Thursday, Apr 7, 2022