
Montà, a charming town in Piedmont

Hello friends, today I will talk to you about Montà, a small town located in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont. With its 4667 inhabitants and a special geographical position, Montà is a place that definitely deserves to be visited.

The history of Montà

The first nucleus of the city dates back to the year 1000 and is located in the upper part of the town. The historic center, on the other hand, was built around 1200. In the past, the territory of the municipality included other villages such as Turriglie, Desaja, Morinaldo and Tuerdo, but they were destroyed in 1254. Subsequently, the inhabitants moved and built new separate nuclei that, over the centuries, led to the current historic center. The name of the city derives from the ascent to the castle, called "Montata Fangi" (ascent of mud).

Montà: history, monuments and culture in Piedmont.

Monuments and places of interest

Montà offers some interesting attractions to visit. The castle, located in the highest part of the town, dates back to 1263 and was completely rebuilt by the Isnardi family. Inside the castle there are still frescoes and prisons, but today it is privately owned. The Sanctuary of the Piloni, just outside the town of Montà, is a place of worship of Roman origin dedicated to the cult of the goddess Diana. Here you can admire a "Way of the Cross" consisting of thirteen chapels decorated with plaster statues that wind through the woods.


The municipality of Monta has 4667 inhabitants, of which 532 are foreign citizens. The most represented nationalities are Romania, Albania and Morocco.


Montà offers some interesting events and shows. The first Sunday in May is celebrated the "Festa 'd Magg'", while the last Sunday in May takes place the "Porté Disné", a wine and food walk of about 8 km that starts from Montà and arrives in Canale. At the end of June, the "Festa di inizio estate" (Summer Start Festival) is held in the San Rocco district, with the opening of the wine and food stand and music evenings. Finally, in the third weekend of July, the "Festa della Madonna del Carmine" is held in the San Vito district.

Montà is an enchanting town that embodies the history and culture of the province of Cuneo. Come and visit it to discover all the surprises it has to offer!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Saturday, Nov 5, 2022